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Middle-earth Faction Focus – Moria

In this instalment of Faction Focus, the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game team uncovers the foul things that lurk in the deep places of the world, as they delve into the depths of Moria…

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The Dwarven halls of Moria were once lit by roaring fires and filled with feasting on malt beer and red meat, ripe off the bone. Now those halls stand empty and lifeless, save for the passing of Goblin patrols and the fearsome monsters that lurk in the darkness.

The Goblins of Moria fight as a writhing mass of bodies and blades, relying more on overwhelming numbers than skill at arms. This is represented perfectly by the Moria Army Bonus We cannot get out, they are coming – which gives a bonus of +1 to the Fight value of friendly Moria Goblins when they are fighting a Trapped enemy.


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No journey through Moria would be complete without a terrifying encounter with the Balrog – or Durin’s Bane, as it’s known to the Dwarves. This flame-wreathed Monster wreaks havoc on the battlefield, and your opponent will need to send their best Heroes into harm's way if they want the best chance of bringing it down. With a Fight value of 10, even the likes of Aragorn, Glorfindel, or Boromir will be reliant on Heroic Strike if they wish to best the Balrog in combat. Should they manage to win a duel against Durin’s Bane, their work has only just begun – for the Balrog’s Defence of 9 and its whopping 10 Wounds makes it incredibly difficult to lay low.

The Demon of the Ancient World special rule allows the Balrog to declare a free Heroic Combat each turn without needing to expend a point of Might, allowing it to cut through your opponent's army. The Balrog also has a chance to Set Ablaze those it strikes thanks to the Flame of Udûn special rule – which also makes it immune to any fire-based attacks or special rules.


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Their low points cost allows you to field Moria Goblin Warriors in great numbers. Those armed with shields take position at the front of your swarm, whilst the spear-armed Goblins provide them with supporting attacks. Though they have a modest Shoot value of 5+, the sheer number of bowmen they can field – thanks again to their low points cost – still presents a meaningful threat at range.

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Thanks to the combination of the Burly special rule, their hand-and-a-half hammers, and their Strength of 6, Cave Trolls can dish out a frightening amount of damage when they win combats. Coupled with their Fight value of 6, these lumbering brutes are a dangerous threat to both Warrior and Hero models alike.


Moria armies rely on a combination of vast numbers and powerful Monsters to achieve victory. Use your numerical advantage to wrap around the flanks of your opponent’s shield wall, as this will cause many of their models to become Trapped. This allows your Goblins to take advantage of the Fight value boost provided by your Army Bonus, and makes it more likely they will strike their opponents down.

If your opponent is using impassable terrain to secure their flanks, your Monster models can help to break the deadlock by using the Barge and Hurl Brutal Power Attacks to create space for your Goblins to swarm into. This is also a handy trick for pushing your opponent's models away from Objective Markers in Matched Play Scenarios like Domination and Hold Ground.

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Bat Swarms are a great addition to any Moria army, not only for the Blinding Swarm special rule, which halves the Fight value of enemy models in base contact, but also because of their ability to Fly, allowing them to quickly snatch Objects or contest far-flung Objective Markers.

Army lists

The first of our example army lists represents some of the dangers faced by The Fellowship as they traversed the long dark of Moria. This list could also be used as a starting point for making an army using the Depths of Moria Legendary Legion.

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The second list is built to a higher points limit and includes a broader selection of models such as Moria Blackshields, Bat Swarms and the terrifying Watcher in the Water!

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Thanks guys! If you want to take command of the terrifying monsters and scuttling Goblins that inhabit the dark depths of Moria, head on over to the Games Workshop webstore and start amassing your horde today!

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