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  • Codex: Space Marines – The New Detachments Aren’t Just for the First Founding Chapters

Codex: Space Marines – The New Detachments Aren’t Just for the First Founding Chapters

Each Chapter of Space Marines has their preferred ways of fighting, from the massed jump pack assaults of the Blood Angels to the disciplined firing lines of Imperial Fists. However, all Space Marines are drilled day and night to fight in whichever way fits the mission best, and that’s why in the upcoming Codex: Space Marines all seven Detachments can be adopted by any Chapter that sees fit.

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As we saw in Monday’s first look at new Detachment rules, six of these are themed after the methods of war commonly employed by the six First Founding Chapters which most closely follow the Codex Astartes, but their rules are flexible enough to represent any army.

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The Stormlance Task Force, for instance, contains several Enhancements and Stratagems geared towards Mounted units like Outriders and Invader ATVs. However, their Detachment Rule Lightning Assault doesn’t require that keyword, so all your units can charge turn after turn.

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This is a great ability for low-cost armies that might not want to spend points on dedicated transports, as the opportunity to charge after an Advance gives foot-slogging assault infantry a vital boost in mobility.

It’s also a top quality choice for any models whose abilities activate after a charge, like the new Jump Pack Intercessors. The mortal wounds they deliver with Hammer of Wrath can really rack up, especially when dished out on every one of their turns.

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Even less mobile assault troops like Bladeguard Veterans and Terminators can take advantage. 

The Wind-Swift Evasion Stratagem allows you to reposition or chase down fleeing enemies, and aggressive commanders can ensure their troops get close enough for hand-to-hand combat.

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Stealthy armies prefer to mitigate as much damage as possible while they engage their targets. The Vanguard Spearhead Detachment is perfect for exactly this kind of combat, but their techniques are also a fit for long-ranged shooting armies who want to keep their targets at arm’s length.

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All the stealth in the world won’t help if you can’t kill your targets on arrival, and a quick Strike from the Shadows Stratagem will help out. Try using it on a Desolation Squad combined with their Targeter Optics ability for some hyper-accurate fire support.

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Best of all, the Shadow Masters Detachment Rule works on all Adeptus Astartes units whether they’re naturally sneaky or not. It might not help against melee attacks, but when a unit can’t be easily charged – like, say, a squadron of Stormraven Gunships – there’s little you need to worry about.

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Codex: Space Marines is coming very soon, and we’ll have more coverage of the new book as we get closer to release. Just keep your auspexes trained on Warhammer Community for more real reveals.

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