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  • Warhammer Underworlds Metawatch – What’s the State of Play?

Warhammer Underworlds Metawatch – What’s the State of Play?

Warhammer Underworlds is a competitive Warhammer game, with a thriving tournament scene and an energetic meta. With the new Deathgorge box going up for pre-order very soon, we felt it was high time that this intriguing blend of miniature combat, deck-building, and strategy got an episode of Metawatch.

Gaming presenter Nick collared John, one of the designers, to sit him down and talk about all things Underworlds.

As John points out, there are nearly 60 warbands in the game right now,* a fact that makes balancing it all out into a full-time job. He and the team are actively monitoring win rates and tournaments, and they feel that things are in a good spot – though there’s always more that can be done. 

The game is growing, especially in the wake of the Rivals format, which makes it really easy to get stuck into every available tournament format without having to tear your hair out over deck-building. Once a new player feels comfortable with the game, many decide to graduate into the Nemesis format, which brings new challenges and that little bit of extra agency in terms of which decks to combine to make a match-winning deck.

WHUWMetawatch Oct05 Image1

There are plenty more detailed insights from John in the video – including a lot of thought on how he writes new decks, balances under- and over-performing warbands, and loads of other stuff. It’s a crucial watch for any Underworlds player, whether they’re taking their first steps into the game or already sitting at the top tables.

And remember, email** with any questions, queries, suggestions, and all the rest. John really does read it all…

* Nick should know – he’s painted most of them.

** Use this address – he gave the wrong one out in the video!