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  • The Secrets of the Ash Wastes – Advanced Terrain Tips from the Designer

The Secrets of the Ash Wastes – Advanced Terrain Tips from the Designer

The Ash Wastes Thatos pattern terrain sets can build an exciting and visually spectacular outlands battlefield. These kits add to the already diverse range of terrain available for Necromunda, such as the Sector Mechanicus and Zone Mortalis terrain ranges. But did you know just how compatible these kits are?

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We have gathered a host of tips and tricks by Design Studio terrain master Owen to help you get the most out of your terrain building and to explore the amazing level of detail that went into their creation. 

Standard Template Constructions

As part of the Imperium of Man the world of Necromunda makes extensive use of Standard Template Constructs, or STC for short. Everything from lasguns to combat spoons are made to the same specifications – including the very homes, factories, and tunnels everyone lives in! The Ash Wastes terrain sets have been created with this standardisation in mind, so a 'tall' platform (or Hab) is the same height as a Sector Mechanicus strut or two Zone Mortalis Columns.

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This also means a platform can also be built at the same height as a single Zone Mortalis column... which is also conveniently the same height as a set of Zone Mortalis stairs.

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This means it's very easy to link up terrain pieces built using the three different ranges as the different levels will always match up. In addition to this height compatibility, various platforms and gantries from the Sector Mechanicus range can be easily attached to an Ash Wastes Hab or Hab platform element.

The two Ash Wastes platforms also share the fittings of the Sector Mechanicus floors, which allow for them to sit on top of the rail and clip into place.

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The large corner sections of the Sector Mechanicus floors will fit around the large Hab platform, and can be attached with the clips provided. This allows a huge range of customisation between the two ranges making it easy to blend the factory elements of Sector Mechancius sets with the outland Habs of the Ash Wastes terrain.

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One Hab, Countless Houses

Much of the Thatos pattern compatibility comes into its own when you experiment with the many different ways of building the Hab modules. These deceptively simple constructs come with truly impressive modularity. For instance, if you don’t want to have your modules held aloft, leave off the pins (A5 and A6) and put the floor directly on the base, which happens to be the same height as one Zone Mortalis stairs.

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Want more variety in your struts? They can be stacked using the spaces, using unique fittings so you can't go wrong. Two short struts are also the same height as a long strut.

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Want another way to connect a Hab platform to other terrain pieces? The balcony will hang off the platform rail without the need for glue. It also hangs the same distance as a small strut, making it great for modular gaming.

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To keep stacking up Hab platforms, you have the option not to put a cap (A17) on the platform. Instead, attach another strut into the fitting, allowing you to stack multiple platforms on top of one another.

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Even the Habs themselves can be stacked. Each roof has a hidden fitting which allows you to slot in any strut. It will sit at the correct height, adding platforms to the roofs or allowing for a double-stacked Hab.

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If you do want to cap off your platforms and Hab roofs then there are three different cap designs which can be used on the platforms (big and small) and also the Hab roofs.

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Need to get to your fighters? You can leave the roof unattached so it can be easily removed during gameplay if required... and also allow you to show off the fully detailed interior.  

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If you remove a Hab roof, you can replace it with a large platform, or you can put two Habs directly onto one another giving even more space for fighters to stand… or hurl each other to their doom.

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To add more variety to your small platforms or sniper nests to the top of a Hab, the small platform has fittings that allow you to attach a large platform strut to the underside, adding some variety to your small platforms.

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That’s it for now – next time we’ll take a look at all the extra features you can add to your Habs to link them together or blend them into other terrain ranges.

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