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Warhammer 40,000 Grand Narrative LIVE: Latest lore and action from Atlanta

After three packed days of gripping Narrative gameplay and twisting storytelling, the Grand Narrative 2023 has come to a close.Hundreds of players gathered to make their mark on the world of Warhammer 40,000, battling to secure fortune and favour for their Lords of War, while making new allies and friendly rivals from around the world.This was the largest Warhammer 40,000 Narrative event in the world, one whose outcome will become part of official lore.Head down to the bottom of this live blog to follow the story as it happened.

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This weekend is also the World Championships of Warhammer - catch the latest by clicking the button below:

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Sunday 20:00

The Grand Narrative has come to a crashing finale.The Command Entity, an Abominable Intelligence of incredible power, has been captured by Vernal Thedge and the Pact of Annihilation, who controlled the Fivefold Forge where the Entity made its exit from Occultaris. Despite claiming their prize, they were unable to escape from the planetoid however, as the Pact of Resistance rose up to claim the Invictus with their newly ascended Exalted Leader.

"I offer you a choice. Ascend with me and followers of a Daemon Prince, or perish in ignominy."The Exalted Leader, whose transfiguration into a true Daemon Prince of Tzeentch was assured by her Pact's victory, now escapes into the void with a chosen few thralls whose loyalty never wavered. Though they would have preferred the Command Entity make its way into the Imperium to ignite further chaos, a successful escape and ascension will have to do.

"I have captured the Abominable Intelligence, and shackled it to my will."

Screenshot 2023 11 20 at 01.56.45Left behind on the surface of Occultaris, Vernal Thedge nonetheless had one card up his sleeve – a pact with Vashtorr the Arkifane. With the delivery of an Abominable Intelligence to the daemon's care, and the sacrifice of his followers to the Soul Forge, Thedge bartered his way off-world – ready to wield the Arkifane's favour in future conquests.

"I end your reign of disarray, revealed as the weak husk of a mortal you are."Stricken by civil war and wounded by their Inquisitor's callous bombardment, the Pact of Enlightenment's survivors rallied around Colonel Kulov and clapped van Kantrael in chains. Kulov executed the errant Inquisitor in a public display of Imperial justice, and though it looked as though her Field Commanders would perish on the doomed world, a scant few – including the Colonel herself – managed to escape when the Command Entity's grip on orbiting ships was released.Silence now falls upon Occultaris as those left behind contemplate their fate at the hands of the approaching Tyranids.

Sunday, 18:00

The dust is settling on the final skirmishes across Occultaris, and as Field Commanders return to their command posts and lick their wounds, the Vox Localum and Lords of War play out their final gambits. An overwhelming majority of the Pact of Enlightenment now side with Colonel Kurov, while the few still loyal to van Kantrael reexamine their devotion as the Inquisitor's furious bombardment claimed as many of their own troops as their enemies'.

Sunday, 17:00

The ground shakes as the battlecruiser Invictus – previously moored quietly at Orbital Sigma One – opens fire indiscriminately on the warzones below, at the command of the increasingly erratic Inquisitor van Kantrael. Perhaps spurred by the influence of the Command Entity, or the open rebellion of his Pact, the Inquisitor is taking extreme measures to enforce discipline among his ranks – or ensure that only those loyal to him make it off Occultaris.

Sunday, 16:00

The Exalted Leader's plans, until now proceeding unhindered, are thrown into disarray by the surge in Vernal Thedge's fortunes. The rise of a rival Chaos warlord is unconscionable to the Tzeentchian sorceress, who must now take direct action to ensure possession of the Command Entity ends favourably for the Pact of Resistance – and most importantly, themselves.

Sunday, 15:00

With Legends rules fully legal in the Grand Narrative, there is a host of awesome yet rarely seen models on show, from Thunderhawks and Mastodons to Orcas.

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Sunday, 14:30


Invictus, this is Kantrael.

Authentication – 22 Sigma Alpha.

Codename: Vengeance, Vengeance, Vengeance.

Fire Pattern Epsilon.

All Batteries.

Fire at Will.


Sunday, 14:00

With the forces of Enlightenment distracted by a brewing civil war between the supporters of van Kantrael and Kulov, Vernal Thedge and the Pact of Annihilation are making a furious dash for control of the Command Entity. Having resisted the madness of the Blood God, Thedge now courts the favour of Vashtorr the Arkifane to deliver himself and his troops from the surface of Occultaris.

Should they deliver the Abominable Intelligence to Vashtorr, the Master of the Daemon Forges promises them salvation from the dying world, and unlike many of his daemonic kind, he always keeps his word.

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Sunday, 12:30

Fractures riven in the Pact of Enlightenment by Inquisitor van Kantrael's acceptance of the Command Entity widen, as Imperial Field Commanders – raised with a righteous hatred of Abominable Intelligence in their hearts – voice open dissent against their Lord of War's actions. Many now turn to the heroic Valhallan Colonel Kulov for leadership, whose fiery rhetoric and inspirational example has spurred many of their number to victory on the battlefield.

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Sunday, 11:00

As the battlegrounds are rocked by the malign influence of Tzeentch and Khorne, even allied Field Commanders are beginning to turn upon one another in pursuit of salvation, righteousness, or glory. Battlefield reports indicate two feuding commanders withdrew their Warlords from the field of battle to settle matters in a one-on-one duel atop an unearthed temple complex, while their armies continued to battle on valiantly.

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Sunday, 10:00

It's not just the Lords of War and Vox Localum overseeing the event that are in character - there's a host of Field Commanders who have also donned the livery of their chosen faction.

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Sunday, 09:30

A new day dawns on the surface of Occultaris, and though few embroiled in the conflict know it, it is the last. Late last night, the truth of the Command Entity was revealed – an Abominable Intelligence shackled to the artificial world in millennia past, manipulating the Pacts to create its own means of escape into the wider galaxy.

Inquisitor van Kantrael has begun to wield their absolute authority in support of this new 'ally', turning the Pact of Enlightenment into a sword with which to carve his path to escape. Though many in his ranks chafe against their leader's acceptance of this unforgivable tech-heresy, the threat of bombardment and abandonment on Occultaris keep their forces in line.

The Pact of Annihilation took the revelation of the Command Entity's true nature in stride, resolving to use its ancient secrets in their war against the wider galaxy. Their objective is now to claim the Inquisitor's ship Invictus for themselves, granting the Abominable Intelligence the means to escape its prison and wreak havoc upon the Imperium.

Reeling with the discovery that their Exalted Leader was secretly a Sorceress of Tzeentch, the Pact of Resistance have nevertheless rallied in support of their comrades to survive the maelstrom on Occultaris. Though their leader would very much love to see Inquisitor van Kantrael take the Command Entity back to the Imperium – and corrupt it further from the inside – their own survival is of the utmost priority.

Saturday, 18:00

The intensity of combat across Occultaris has left the mightiest war machines wrecked across its environs. In the Five-fold Forge, ancient Sokar-pattern Stormbirds lie rent and torn on two separate battlefields, while nearby an indomitable Warlord Titan has been smashed and scattered – only for armies to continue battling amidst its remains.

The battlezones of the Grand Narrative are littered with such incredible terrain.

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Saturday, 17:00

Despite early setbacks, the Pact of Annihilation is beginning to consolidate their meagre gains and strengthen their position, while the Pact of Resistance plays opposing forces off each other in an attempt to stay above them. None have managed to completely achieve their goals so far, and Field Commanders are coming under increased pressure from their Lords of War.

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Saturday, 16:00

Under pressure from the Pact of Annihilation, the Pact of Enlightenment has received unexpected support from the arrival of one Inquisitor LeRoix, who tours the warzone with Inquisitor van Kantrael.

While some laud the appearance of the new Inquisitor as a boon for their forces, others question the suspiciously convenient timing – and the odd resemblance between LeRoix's mannerisms and those of the Exalted Leader.

Saturday, 15:00

The fall out from yesterday's late night Kill Team missions are still being felt across the Palat system. As battle raged on the ground and beneath the surface of Occultaris, special operations teams from all three Pacts struck at Orbital Sigma One in a bid to claim control over the macro-defence platform. Despite wins and losses on all sides, where Field Commanders and their troops valiantly traded lives in the dark warrens of the station, no Pact managed to conclusively dominate the platform.Yet the course of the fighting, a member of the Custodian Guard appeared to activate an unknown system that flooded the area with blaring alarms in binharic cant. Despite many attempts to translate the warnings, scrapcode laced in the signal renders it unintelligible.

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Saturday, 13:30

Field Commanders find themselves battling in many immersive environments throughout the Grand Narrative. Those battling over the frigid Ice-locked Fortress will find the air itself is colder, while in the desert wastes of Badrun's Valley the lighting is more stark. The heady scent of spilled gasoline shrouds the Fivefold Forge amidst ruins of forgotten industry, while the glare of emergency lighting illuminates those fighting amidst the Scars.

Each location presents many challenges and exciting battlefields for the Field Commanders to overcome, quite unlike any game of Warhammer 40,000 they've had before.

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Saturday, 12:30

The Exalted Leader continues to appear as many things to many people, guiding their loyal Field Commanders to success amidst the turbulent wash of alliances and rivalries. With their forces ascendent, the Pact of Resistance must now focus on maintaining their supremacy, lest their enemies see weakness and further their own agendas.

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Saturday, 11:30

To better inspire his troops, warlord Vernal Thedge now mounts a collection of trophies upon vicious banner poles, including the decomposing head of his former commander from the Cadian 187th. Few would have expected a former Sergeant to ascend to such heights, but the influence of the Blood God is strong, and yet darker gifts may come from the Pact of Annihilation's success... or failure.

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Saturday, 10:30

As the conflict on Occultaris heats up and Field Commanders set their sights on opposing Lords of War, Inquisitor van Kantrael calls in his ancient and impressive suit of relic power armour to better command his forces from the front. This highly ornamented armour is as durable as it is radiant, and will be sorely needed in the battles to come.

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Saturday, 09:30

A new day dawns over the war-torn battlefields of Occultaris, and the night's activities have been fruitful for the Pacts vying for dominance. Enlightenment and Resistance continue to make significant gains towards their ultimate goals, though Annihilation struggle to maintain the Blood God's favour in the wake of fierce competition.

Whispers from the front suggest the Exalted Leader has designs to pit the Pact of Annihilation directly against Inquisitor van Kantrael's forces, to better bleed both of her rivals, but results so far have been mixed. Now that they maintain the leading position, the Pact of Resistance may find their erstwhile allies are coming for their skulls instead.

Friday, 22:00 - The Warhammer Preview!

Amid all of the excitement here in Atlanta, it's easy to forget that there's even more to look forward to - a full Warhammer Preview!

Attendees at the Grand Narrative and World Championships just got a sneaky early look, but you can tune in right now and see all the epic reveals! Click the link below!

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Friday, 21:30

Scramble, Scramble, Scramble! Soldiers to arms!

Just when they thought the battle was done for the day, the Field Commanders have been called on for a special mission to Orbital Sigma One. The lights are low, there's a chill in the air, and there's enemies down every twisting corridor... and that's just the venue. It's Kill Team: Into the Dark.... in the dark!

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Friday, 18:00

The Lords of War leading the Pacts have been taken up arms alongside their followers today. Inquisitor van Kantrael has swapped his robes for armour, while Chaos warlord Vernal Thedge has added a flak jacket and shoulderguards bearing the sigils of his patron god, and the Exalted Leader of the Pact of Resistance now carries a staff.

Tales of heroism and failure swirl in equal measure from the battlefields of the Palat system. In the Ice Locked Fortress, a bold T'au Shaso stood in the face of enemy fire and delivered a rousing speech to his fellow warriors and encouraged them to delve into a melee battle with enemy Astartes.

The day's battles are now drawing to a close, but who is to say what the rest of the weekend holds.

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Friday, 17:00

The bloody engagements continue to rage across Occultaris, with battlefields left choked with the dead and dying. The Pact of Enlightment is seeking to consolidate their gains by marking warzones with brands, sigils, and holy symbols, while the Pact of Annihilation is reforming their lines and digging in to defend what troops remain from a furious enemy onslaught. The Pact of Resistance is capitalising on early successes by launching an all-out attack on their hated foes.

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Friday, 16:00

Scattered reports from the warfront claim that an Imperial air wing aligned to the Pact of Enlightenment was almost successful in dealing a heavy blow to the Pact of Resistance command structure, but fell victim to catastrophic failures among their men and materiel. Although many decry the missed opportunity as mere poor luck or divine disfavour, the attached commissariat were sure to allocate proper responsibility – summarily decimating the air wing involved.

Friday, 15:00 - The story develops

Early engagements between the three Pacts have died down for now, as forces consolidate their gains and lick their wounds. The Pact of Annihilation have failed to make the progress demanded by their profane patron and have taken heavy casualties – an outcome that is sure to have dark repercussions for those who would court the Blood God's favour.

Meanwhile, the Pact of Resistance have been causing havoc throughout the battlefields of Occularis, destroying priority targets and bringing low mighty war machines on the mercurial whims of the Exalted Leader.The Pact of Enlightenment have nevertheless managed to preserve the majority of their command structure, and now seek to spread their control over the planetoid's surface to better protect their interests.

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Friday, 1400

Many of the Field Commanders taking part in the campaign in the Palat System have come dressed in appropriate attire, demonstrating their allegiance to their chosen patrons. That, or Atlanta has a bit of a Chaos cult problem...

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Friday, 13:00

The Field Commanders are ushered to their battlefields by the strands of fate. Each have drawn cards from the Emperor's Tarot, which can determine which battlezone they fight in. Will they face death on the sands of a desert or among the frozen outposts of an icy tundra. All may depend on chance...

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Friday, 12:00

"War is all that matters. Blood and combat. Blood and skulls."

- Vernal Thedge – Lord of War, Pact of AnnihilationOnce a mere Sergeant of the Cadian 187th Infantry, Vernal Thedge now courses with infernal power and holds the Pact of Annihilation in his iron grip. His unholy alliance seeks to turn Occultaris into a charnel house of blood and violence, grinding all beneath blade and tread and claiming a bounty skulls for the Skull Throne.Yet the gifts of the Blood God do not come free... all who walk the path of Khorne are destined to fall into blood-madness, and Thedge has no intention of surrendering his new-found power. Do the secrets of Occultaris hold the key to his diabolic triumph?

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Friday, 11:30

"Victory is assured, but glory... must be earned."

- Inquisitor Tyvost van Kantrael – Lord of War, Pact of EnlightenmentThe worlds of the Palat System have long been shrouded by Inquisitorial decree, and Tyvost van Kantrael is determined to find out why. An Inquisitor of great power and experience, van Kantrael has overseen the command of many Imperial armies and sees the salvation of Humanity on scales few others can comprehend.By aligning his Pact with the wishes of the Command Entity, van Kantrael hopes to claim a powerful asset for later use, and thinks nothing of manipulating the forces under his command with promises of glory and higher purpose. They will fight for an honourable and righteous cause, but in the end, the Inquisitor will ensure that the facility's secrets will lie solely with him.

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Friday, 11:00

"The Command Entity seeks to wrap us in a veil of lies, but I will not be caught in those knots."

 - The Exalted Leader – Lord of War, Pact of ResistanceSome leaders rule with intimidating strength or unquestionable authority, but not the Exalted Leader – for them, the open palm of sheer magnetic charisma is enough to turn enemies to allies and their eclectic alliance of humans, xenos, and heretics into the singular Pact of Resistance.The Exalted Leader's honeyed words and spiritual revelations have promised the secret to escape from the Palat System, but first the greater mystery of Occultaris must be solved. To trust in the Command Entity's mysterious voice would be folly, and great opportunity lies beneath the twisting labyrinth of this strange artificial world – opportunity that the Pact of Resistance are only too glad to claim for their mesmerising leader.

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Friday, 10:30

The battlefields of Occultaris are as varied as they are treacherous, with armies clashing between forge fanes, ice caps, sweltering jungles, and scorching deserts. Ancient remains of industry and long-forgotten battles litter the ground beneath colossal geodesic domes, and as the newly arrived warlords make planetfall, they soon begin to push further into the planetoid's depths.

What will our intrepid field commanders find within Occultaris? Can the mysterious words of the faceless Command Entity be trusted? The only way to know is to forge ever deeper into the dark and mysterious labyrinth below.

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Friday, 10:00

The Grand Narrative has begun!The intrepid Field Commanders are scurrying to their fated battlefields under the watchful auspices of their Lords of War - an Inquisitor, a guardsman-turned-warlord and a mysterious yet gifted strategist. More on them later...Each commander has received a reading from the Emperor's tarot upon arrival, and the fate unveiled will have many consequences in the battles ahead.

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The Story So Far...

The long-quarantined Palat System is being devoured. The system’s position on the fringe of the Bastior Sub-sector did not long hide the spoor of its biomass from the hungering Tyranid hive fleets that coiled through the region. Its neighbouring systems were all invaded as Hive Fleet Leviathan’s tendrils pushed from one feeding ground to the next, and a splinter fleet has now reached the Palat System.

Amongst the system’s dead moons and gas giants, Palat’s handful of lush and verdant worlds – long off-limits to Imperial settlement by Inquisitorial decree – soon seethed with the spores and harvester-beasts of the bio-fleets.

Driven ahead of the Tyranid fleet are the ships of Chaos warbands, routed Imperial defenders, and xenos warlords alike. Some seek only escape, or a temporary refuge where they can regroup before striking back at the Great Devourer.

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Others are predatory, aiming to exploit panicked worlds before the Tyranid hive fleets can reach them. Many that had been attempting to brave the empyrean have been forced by the Shadow in the Warp back into realspace throughout the Palat System. A scant few have reached the system with more clandestine agendas.

The Tyranids are already feeding on the system’s biggest sources of biomass: the verdant worlds. There are precious few places in the Palat System to hide, plot or recover.

Seemingly ignored for now by the Tyranids’ feasting fleet is a planetoid at the edge of the system. Occultaris appears on no official astrocartograph. Its surface reflects little light. What augurs and scans the varied ships use return suggestions of subsurface structures and weak bio-signatures, although most unaccountably fail to register the world at all.

One by one, the shipmasters, commanders, and adventurers cast into the Palat System are drawn towards Occultaris. Many feel the lure of a possible haven or prize. Those with failing engines find their vessels drifting towards its orbit. At the world’s core, a sleepless mind stirs to wakefulness and begins to study those who dare approach.

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