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World Championships Preview – Claim Heads With Daggok’s Stab-Ladz

A vast bounty of trapped souls and arcane treasures lies buried deep in the frozen tunnels of Deathgorge, attracting fighters from around the Mortal Realms, eager to carve their reward from the glacial depths. One wily orruk has his eyes on a different prize…

Daggok Finksteala has one simple goal: to decapitate as many champions as he can, steal their know-wotz to increase his own kunnin’, and become the most conniving Killaboss ever. He’s assembled his Stab-Ladz – a band of Kruleboyz in thrall to their boss’s vision – to krump anyone who gets between him and his next noggin.

Daggok is a bit of a bruiser, possessed of a sinewy strength. His Krule Kunnin’ reaction exemplifies his underhanded fighting style – allowing him to jab at enemies who are distracted by his Ladz – and also ties neatly into his Inspire condition. 

His herald, Hurrk Da Howla carries a horn that sounds out the Roar of Kragnos when blown, granting support for allies within two hexes. Like, say, Daggok. We smell a kunnin’ kombo…

The meat of the warband isn’t its fighters, but rather their underhanded plotting. Daggok’s Stab-Ladz have a tricksy little plot card which enables the use of Schemes – gambit cards which you play in the power step of one turn, to reap the rewards next turn. 

You play Schemes face-down – meaning your opponent won’t be able to prepare – and each Scheme also has a specific condition under which it is “completed”, allowing you to score objectives by executing your sneaky shenanigans.

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Outfink ’Em to draw two power cards when your opponent plays one, Rush ’Em to grant your warband a burst of speed that synergises brilliantly with their aggro playstyle, and then Gut ’Em with some Grievous attacks once you’re in close.

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With finkin’ muscles that are more developed than a garden variety orruk, Daggok’s Stab-Lads can garner glory points by exercising their Legendary Kunnin’ to complete three or more Schemes. Despite all the brainpower they expend on scheming, these orruks are still Deceptively Brutal, and a sequence of savage reactions will score this Surge card.

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The Stab-ladz will be heading to the Deathgorge soon, where they’ll need to contend with scheming ratfolk and delusional gitz in order to harvest a bouquet of bonces. In the meantime, you can check out the rest of today’s reveals below.

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