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  • Reveal the Hounds! We’ve Caught the Scent of New Kroot Hounds

Reveal the Hounds! We’ve Caught the Scent of New Kroot Hounds

When the first T’au Empire codex launched back in 2001, ranks of Fire Warriors and Crisis Battlesuits were joined by the Kroot auxiliaries we know and love, but of the three original units, we’re missing one from the upcoming wave of updated Kroot. 

So far, we’ve seen some excellent Kroot Carnivores, two kinds of Krootox, and new versions of the classic Shaper now promoted to full Character status. 

And now the Kroot Hounds are back too.

You didn’t really think we’d leave the loyal hounds behind, did you? This pack of Kroot Hounds have slipped their collars to tear across the battlefield, snapping beak-like jaws and shredding unfortunate prey with razor-sharp claws.

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We last saw them join the Farstalker Kinband kill team, and now the rest of the pack have had the same glow-up – just without the snazzy leather harnesses.

Hunting packs of Koot Hounds are unleashed to savage exposed flanks and chase down fleeing foes, driven into a frenzy by the scent of blood. Their incredible speed can punch through enemy lines to catch vulnerable targets – especially when goaded by an attendant squad of Kroot Carnivores.

The Loping Pounce ability grants an extra burst of speed by allowing charges after they Advance. At their absolute limit, a pack of these hounds can rocket forwards up to 30” in a single turn – a turn of speed some Aircraft struggle to match.

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They’re even handy for capturing objectives, as the Hunting Hounds ability bumps their OC characteristic to 1 when accompanied by a Character. Now if only there were a Kroot Character who could keep up with them…

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We’ve still got more to reveal from everyone’s favourite alien auxiliaries, so don’t go anywhere. If you do, we’ll have to send the Kroot after you.

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