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  • The Dark Angels on Crusade – Two Army Lists for Narrative Campaigns with the Deathwing and Ravenwing

The Dark Angels on Crusade – Two Army Lists for Narrative Campaigns with the Deathwing and Ravenwing

The new Inner Circle Task Force and Company of Hunters Detachments from Codex Supplement: Dark Angels allow you to create some characterful armies, themed around the elite infantry and agile bikes the Deathwing and Ravenwing specialise in. 

These armies are especially fun to build for Narrative campaigns, where Dark Angels armies can go on a hunt for the Fallen, so we asked two of our own Unforgiven players how they’d be building their armies when the new book goes up for pre-order this Saturday.


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Terminators are the main event in a Deathwing army, but I wanted my Narrative campaign list to be a little more flexible, so I opted for a much wider spread of the units granted the Deathwing keyword by Codex Supplement: Dark Angels.

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The raw quality of a Terminator Squad is wasted against masses of chaff troops, and Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs present a much faster and cheaper way of dicing up Cultists, Gretchin, and other weaklings – while their versatile selection of pistols can specialise them for any job.* The Infantry keyword and ability to Deep Strike means they can still use all six of the Inner Circle Task Force Stratagems.

Sternguard Veterans are likewise an excellent budget option for holding backfield objectives, while a big unit of Bladeguard Veterans with a Bladeguard Ancient can wrestle central objectives away from entrenched enemies and withstand loads of return fire.

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I couldn’t help but take some of the Inner Circle Companions, and having a Librarian lead them gives them an all-important invulnerable save. The rest of the list is bulked out with heavy vehicles that also get the Deathwing keyword, more for character than rules purposes, though the heavy firepower of the Repulsor Executioners is a welcome addition in such an otherwise melee-focused list.


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The Ravenwing are all about speed, and having masses of bikes roaring up the flanks is a pretty iconic look for the Dark Angels. I’m leaning heavily into the special Ravenwing units from Codex Supplement: Dark Angels, and taking full advantage of Outriders getting the Battleline keyword in the Company of Hunters Detachment.

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Being able to take up to six units of Outriders means you can really maximise the number of Invader ATVs you bring along, which have multi-meltas for a solid anti-vehicle kick. In a classic Ravenwing manoeuvre, this army splits into two equal flanks protected by Ravenwing Darkshrouds that attack the enemy from each side in a pincer movement – each are able to deal with all kinds of enemies thanks to a combination of plasma talons, bolt rifles, and lascannons on the Nephilim Jetfighters.

Each side of the pincer is headed by a Ravenwing Command Squad, which can now be attached as Leaders to units of Black Knights to create seriously hardy and powerful blocks of bikes. The unit’s Apothecary can bring back bikes lost to overcharging plasma talons, while the Black Knights’ own Knights of Caliban ability gives every model Anti-Monster 4+ and Anti-Vehicle 4+ to their melee attacks when they charge, so they can take down anything they want in close combat.

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My main aim is to flood the battlefield with targets and make sure none of my enemy’s important models can escape – just like a proper hunt for the Fallen. 

How do you plan to take your Dark Angels out in your next Narrative campaign? Will you be sticking to one of the iconic Inner Circle companies, or mixing things up with a classic Unforgiven Task Force Detachment?

* And if you don’t feel like boring into a tank with 10 inferno pistols, equip storm shields for added durability. 

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