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  • Warhammer World Anniversary – Big Meks Get Bigger in a New Ork Codex

Warhammer World Anniversary – Big Meks Get Bigger in a New Ork Codex

It’s a simple fact that Ork technology is the best in the galaxy – or so the big green chap looming over our shoulders tells us*. Not many Boyz have the technical know-wots to build their own ramshackle gear, however, so they rely on gifted Meks who possess rare engineering skills to craft their instruments of carnage.

The biggest and strongest of these Mek –  known appropriately as Big Meks – possess prestige on par with Warbosses, and now they’re getting a new miniature to match their supreme stature.

This hefty lad has had enough of walking around on his own two feet like a chump, and has instead strapped into a rugged exo-harness designed to carry the massive, madcap weapons Big Meks are so fond of. He’s loaded with minute mechanical details, from the wires and metal plates crudely grafted to his body, to the torn apron filled with tools as though he’s clanked straight out of his workshop.


It’s only fair that the biggest, ‘smartest’ engineers keep all the best gubbinz for themselves, and this gives the Big Mek a selection of powerful weapons to pick from. This oddboy engineer can pinch through power armour with a brutal hydraulic klaw, or improvise new ventilation systems in tank hulls with a whirring drilla. 

He also comes with a kustom mega-blasta, which he can trade out for a portable traktor blasta capable of dragging aircraft out of the sky.


The Big Mek’s extravagant personal technology isn’t limited to weapons, either – their bionik exoskeleton incorporates a shokk-boosta that makes boring holes in the fabric of reality a doddle! With the flip of a switch, the Mek and their entourage fly through the warp to emerge on the other side of walls, fortifications, and even enemy mobs – perfect for getting into position before a big, hollering charge.


If you want to get your hands on this biggest, most beautiful of Big Meks, you’ll get your first chance in a new Ork Battleforce – the Stompa Boyz. As the name suggests, it stars one of the biggest plastic models in the Warhammer 40,000 range, the monstrously massive Stompa, along with a gaggle of hangers-on to witness its epic rampages.


All in all, you get the new Big Mek, the Stompa, 10 Boyz, a Trukk, and 10 Lootas.** If you’ve ever wanted to know what it feels like to unleash a Titan-scale beating on all of your sad, Orkless friends, this is the time – just look at it compared to an Imperial Knight.


Last but not least, you’ll need updated rules for all of these Boyz, and the latest Codex: Orks has everything you need. It’s packed with background lore on the biggest Waaagh!s, the mightiest warlords, and the modern-day goings-on of our favourite green horde – and we’ll have more from its packed pages as we get closer to release.


Want to check out everything else revealed at today’s event? Head back to the Preview Hub to browse the lot.

* Our editor would like to make it clear that he objects to being referred to as “the big green chap”.

** Who can also be built as Burna Boyz, if fire’s more your thing.

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