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Join the Underhive Headhunt with the Malcadon, Yeld, and Jakara Spyrers

No sooner than the Orrus stomped into view at this weekend’s Warhammer Preview – amid all the rest of the bounty hidden in Necromunda: Hive Secundus – than he’s joined by three other classic patterns of Spyre Hunter.

NEC SpyreHunters May20 OnwhIte

Where the Orrus is classed as a Heavy Spyre Hunter, the Malcadon, Yeld, and Jakara are Light Spyrers. And while their looks have evolved, they all still function the same as they did when they first terrorised the underhive in 1996.

Cunningly tooled to fit the same sprue, these three variants share bodies but retain their signature armaments and unique methods of fighting.

The archetypes remain the same. The Malcadon is still a hyper-mobile brawler with paired claws and web incisors, though they now sport a drop rig and a grapnel launcher as standard, and may switch the claws for paired toxin whips. The Yeld is a flyer who can pick paired laser gauntlets or missile gauntlets, while the Jakara fights with a mirror shield and either a monomolecular blade or naga blade.

NEC SpyreHunters May20 TerrainShot

The kit comes with four bodies, and the armaments are interchangeable for a high degree of posability. This modularity also means that you can mix and match loadouts to create your leader, a Spyre Hunt Master skilled in numerous disciplines and, therefore, even more of a terror to dispatch…

We’ll preview some of the rules closer to release, but suffice it to say that each Spyre Hunter is pricy in credits and deadly in the field. But what they lack in numbers, they make up for in activations – of which they have two each per turn (for four actions per turn). The name of Helmawr will be whispered in fear once again…

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