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Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood Terror

The Hour of Ruin is here, and the Skaventide is coming to drown out all hope in the Mortal Realms. In the wake of the catastrophic Vermindoom, the children of the Great Horned Rat have burst forth in great swarms, renewed malice in their twitchy little hearts. The Stormcast Eternals are on the front lines preparing for this incoming disaster, with the soul-stricken members of the Ruination Chamber lending what may be their last life to the gruelling war effort.

There are dozens of new miniatures for both the Skaven and the Stormcast Eternals in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide launch box, with many more yet to come in later months. You’ll be able to get a look at all of the upcoming miniatures from one side early, depending on who wins the Slaughter at Hel Crown global campaign.

But as an early teaser, we’ve got two new miniatures to show you today – the hulking two-headed Brood Terror, and the soaring brilliance of the Knight-Azyros, Tornus the Redeemed.

The Skaven’s insatiable appetite for conquest is backed up by new horrors from the Clans Skryre and Moulder, but there are still more verminous innovations furtively lurking just beyond those green-tinted rents in reality, like the towering Brood Terror. 

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Crimes against nature created in the foetid laboratories of the Clans Moulder, these abhorrent colossi are part of a never-ending quest to create ever more cunning abominations. To create a Brood Terror requires sacrifice – typically unwilling, as is the Skaven way – on the part of a Master Moulder, and the gibbering head that still protrudes from the beast’s neck is a living vestige of that unlucky donor.

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Sometimes the Master Moulder’s personality survives this grotesque melding, steering the beast toward specimens of interest, but the majority of its brain-power goes to helping the Brood Horror wield all of its weapons in terrifying unison. These ungainly behemoths crush foes with giant rusted flails, blast them with warpflame scourgers, and dissect them with horrid, flensing knife-limbs.

But not all hope is lost, and there is light in the darkness.

In their efforts to more effectively scour the blight of Chaos from the Mortal Realms, the Ruination Chamber looks to the Knight-Azyros – winged warriors that carry the radiant starlight of Azyr in their sacred lanterns. Wherever this light falls, it illuminates and incinerates, driving out corruption and allowing Sigmar himself to see the darkest corners of the Mortal Realms.

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The kit can also be used to represent Tornus the Redeemed — a legendary Knight-Azyros with a long history that began in the early days of the Age of Sigmar. Originally a proud and indomitable warrior from Ghyran, he was captured by the servants of the Plague God, who committed him to the Pit of Filth. They trapped him in this disease-ridden oubliette for 77 days and only released him after he agreed to accept Nurgle into his heart. 

While leading the Maggotkin of Nurgle on a campaign of desecration against his former allies, and taking the name Torglug the Despised, he was poised to stand triumphant over a combined Sylvaneth and Stormcast Eternals force before the Celestant-Prime purged the corruption from him with Ghal Maraz, and gave him a chance at redemption.

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Joining the ranks of the Hallowed Knights, Tornus fought long and hard as a Knight-Venator to prove his worth to his new allies, and through his tireless efforts has become a Knight-Azyros, taking the name Tornus the Redeemed, and vowing to continue to spread Sigmar’s light and vengeance far and wide across the Mortal Realms. 

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There are many more incredible new Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures to come, so be sure to join the Slaughter at Hel Crown Global campaign to decide whether you’ll see the scheming Skaven masses or the gleaming Stormcast Eternal hosts first.

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