When Codex Supplement: Blood Angels was revealed, we also saw the tragic Death Company berserkers clad in onyx armour, and promised more red and gold to come. With the stunning new Blood Angels Captain and Sanguinary Priests we’ve had a dose of red, so now it’s time for a dash of dazzling gold…
The most elite of Sanguinius’ sons take flight, led by a resplendent saviour with a divine visage.

Descending from the heavens to smite the enemies of the Blood Angels in times of direst need, the Sanguinor is a mystery shrouded in an enigma, wrapped in gold armour, capped off with seraphic wings. Besides his gleaming appearance and uncanny ability to intervene just when the going gets toughest, very little is known about the Sanguinor… except that he spells swift and certain doom for his enemies.*

Within the sacred pages of an iron-clasped tome known as the Carta Sanguinorum, the Blood Angels record every instance of the Sanguinor’s intervention, and attentive scholars have observed that his actions curiously overlap with those of Commander Dante… though any further revelation has yet to be divined, nor are they any closer to determining his identity.
Theories of the Sanguinor’s true identity are many and varied. The Inquisition believe he is a manifestation of the empyrean conjured forth by the Blood Angels’ psychic will – and thus proof of a deep flaw within them – while others contend that he is the spirit of Azakaellon preserved by the Emperor’s Grace.
Whatever the truth, this legendary hero can only be in one place at a time, which is where the ancient veterans of the Sanguinary Guard fit into the Blood Angels’ battle plan, golden bolts from heaven that can turn the tide of battle with a single roaring descent.
Tracing their heritage back to the Great Crusade, the Sanguinary Guard are the Chapter’s most elite warriors. Their dwindling supply of relic armour, Angelus boltguns, and unmistakable death masks have been retrofitted to work with new Tacticus Mark X armour.

These shining veterans leap into battle with their jump packs to shatter enemy lines, holding fluttering banners from the Chapter’s earliest days, only released from the Arx Angelicum in times of great need. All three Sanguinary Guard have construction options, including bare or helmed heads, and the choice of elegant encarmine blades or new encarmine spears – one of which can be given a banner to fly high in combat.
These radiant warriors will join the rest of the sons of Sanguinius later in the year, alongside Codex Supplement: Blood Angels.
* Quite how a towering golden Space Marine with gigantic white wings reliably sneaks away during battle is frankly beyond us.