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Bring Your Favourite Warhammer 40,000 Troops Into Kill Team to Create Great War Stories

OctariusPreview Jul10 KT Header

One of the best things about the new edition of Kill Team is the expanded suite of Spec Ops narrative play rules that allows you to build up the story of your elite operatives through in-game events. By having each model become a fleshed-out character in their own right, your kill team takes on a unique identity that’s wholly yours and makes every twist and turn on the battlefield meaningful.

Players of Warhammer 40,000 will no doubt find this similar to their own Crusade games, and now it’s easier than you might think to have the stories of your armies and kill teams intertwine.

KTand40K Aug19 MarinesvsCraftworlds

Thanks to the Kill Team Compendium and the new streamlined list-building system, it’s easier than ever to bring squads from your Warhammer 40,000 army into games of Kill Team. Many full-fledged kill teams can be formed from units commonly found in Crusade armies, such as Intercessors, Plague Marines, and Fire Warriors.

Did a fresh new unit distinguish themselves in their first battle? Take them from Warhammer 40,000 into Kill Team by adding them to your narrative dataslate, providing a ready-made backstory that follows them into their Spec Ops missions.

KTand40K Aug19 orks

The deeply personal experiences your operatives have in the course of their missions creates ample opportunities for converting your models, adding trophies and trinkets to mark especially noteworthy achievements. While guardsmen of the Astra Militarum may only get away with taking the odd claw or tooth to hang off their belt, particularly savage warriors like the Kroot can end up festooned in the skulls of their victims.

As your soldiers gain experience and begin to reflect their achievements both in Spec Ops and Crusade campaigns, the models themselves tell the story of a seasoned force with oodles of unique background lore behind them.

KTand40K Aug19 Drukhari

Best of all, there are no hard and fast rules for linking your games together – you’re free to come up with whatever suits your story best and explain even the strangest happenings. Was a veteran squad of your Crusade wiped out in their last battle? Not so, it was but a ruse – their deaths were faked to catch the enemy unawares as they were transferred to an elite kill team.

KTand40K Aug19 OrkInfographic

Whether you’re creating a deep and fascinating narrative for your own custom creations or building complex flow charts to link their accolades together, we’re excited to see what you come up with for your crossover campaigns. Let us know your ideas on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and show off your converted models for all to see.

If you’re aiming to take your first steps into the awesome skirmish combat of Kill Team, there’s still time to pre-order the Kill Team: Octarius boxed set complete with 23 brand new miniatures and everything you need to start playing. When it’s gone, it’s gone, so don’t miss your chance to own this phenomenal set.

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