After risking not one, but two glimpses into the roiling maelstrom of the Warp, we have borne witness to resplendent armour and the twisted visages of those who have battled beyond the limits of perception.
Intoxicated by what we’ve seen, we have felt compelled to take a third gulp of the Empyrean, our sight be damned. Our reward is yet another tableau of impossible elegance.

Before us lies a quartet of tools expressly designed to inflict exquisite harm on their targets, and languorously torture the unwitting through deft application of sensations that rest on the edge of mortal perception.
The cacophonous wailing from the Warp promises that there is more to see, if only we can abandon ourselves to the dark promises poured into our minds. If you’re willing to join us, check back in on Warhammer Community for more soon.