The shinestealin’ grots of the Gitmob are hurtling across Hysh as we speak, in a ferocious new army box featuring Droggz da Sunchompa which is available to pre-order on Saturday. These speed-drunk grots may be more concerned with the sneering contempt of the Glareface Frazzlegit than the lure of the Bad Moon, but that cantankerous lunar deity still has an undeniable effect on all grots.
In times past, the Bad Moon was as capricious as it was cruel, coming and going as it pleased and watching the Gloomspite Gitz scuttle around in panic and frenzy. That all changes in the upcoming Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz – you will be able to set your watch to its waxing and waning.

With new Battle Traits, the Gloomspite Gitz are now always cavorting and under its sickly glow, and it now starts each battle on one of four malevolent expressions, cycling through them every battle round.

Once Per Battle Round (Army), Start of Battle Round
The Bad Moon hurtles erratically around the realms in madcap orbits, empowering its worshippers and troubling all others with insane visions.
Declare: You must use this ability at the start of the battle round. If multiple players are commanding a Gloomspite Gitz army, then instead, at the start of the battle round, those players roll off and only the winner declares and uses this ability this battle round.
Effect: If it is the first battle round, pick the starting face of the Bad Moon (Grinnin’, Scowlin’, Sulkin’ or Cacklin’). If it is not the first battle round, the face of the Bad Moon moves to the next face in the sequence.
Grinnin’, Scowlin’, Sulkin’ and Cacklin’ by turn, each new grimace empowers different aspects of the Gloomspite. Good old-fashioned Moonclan Grots are turned into Frothing Zealots who will vociferously defend their latest conquest when the moon is Cacklin’ or Grinnin’ while the Gitmob’s Sneaky Snarlfangs can retreat with alacrity and still charge or shoot while it is Sulkin' or Cacklin’.
The Moonlit Hides of troggoths become even tougher while the moon is Grinnin’ or Scowlin’ so perhaps you’ll want to begin battle under that winning grin to ensure two turns of protection against armies that want to get up close. This choice gives canny commanders a wealth of approaches for armies and army composition.

Frothing Zealots
While the Bad Moon is Cacklin’ or Grinnin’, add 5 to the control scores of friendly non-Squig Moonclan units.
Sneaky Snarlfangs
While the Bad Moon is Sulkin’ or Cacklin’, friendly Gitmob units can use Charge and Shoot abilities even if they useda Retreat ability in the same turn.
Moonlit Hide
While the Bad Moon is Grinnin’ or Scowlin’, subtract 1 from the Rend characteristic of combat attacks that target friendly Troggoth units.
Capering grot shamans and mystics have experienced an epiphany from this new moon, and after chewing on a crop of inspiration mushrooms, they have rewritten the Lore of the Clammydank to suit the change in the Bad Moon’s humours. Bad Portents replaces Sneaky Distraction, granting the caster a chance to tell the Bad Moon what face it should be pulling with a roll of a D6, ushering on the next mien in the cycle a roll of 3-5, and telling it exactly what countenance to contort to on a 6. Skragrott the Loonking has similarly altered the manner in which he entreats the Bad Moon, demanding its guise remain fixed rather than stalling its orbit.

Your Hero Phase
The caster raises their staff and loudly proclaims that other mystics have incorrectly predicted the aspect of the Bad Moon;in fact, at this time, the face of the bad moon is...
Declare: Pick a friendly Gloomspite Gitz Wizard to cast this spell, then make a casting roll of 2D6.
Effect: Roll a dice. On 1-2, nothing happens. On a 3-5, the face of the Bad Moon moves to the next face. On a 6, pick a new face of the Bad Moon for this battle round.
Keywords: Spell, Unlimited
When Gloomspite Armies can’t be bothered to dance to the tune of the Bad Moon’s facial contortions, they call upon the Malevolent Moon from the Dank Manifestations Lore. This sorcerous slice of selenic simulacra bathes every unit wholly within 12” of it in a Lurid Light which simulates all four faces of the Bad Moon, letting your army reap all of its benefits at once.

To the maniacal grots of the Gloomspite Gitz, one cackling lunar entity streaking through the sky is much like another.
Effect: While friendly Gloomspite Gitz units are wholly within 12" of this Manifestation they are affected by all four faces of the Bad Moon (Grinnin’, Scowlin’, Sulkin’ and Cacklin’).
The Bad Moon may be careening all over the realms, but that doesn’t mean that the Glareface Frazzlegit isn’t baking brains and raising tempers. We’ll be basking in its infernal radiance and taking a look at how the Gitmob do battle tomorrow.