Warhammer 40,000 Grand Narrative 2024 LIVE – Latest updates from the warfront
Stay up to date with the biggest narrative event of the year.
The Grand Narrative 2024
Welcome to Warhammer Community's live coverage of the Grand Narrative 2024, where we'll be following all of the action from the Kessandras, Tsorin, and Vedik Systems as three Lords of War and their assembled companies of Warhammer 40,000 and Kill Team commanders race to secure powerful artifacts that will ensure their domination over these war-torn worlds.
Hundreds have gathered here in Atlanta and at Warhammer World to take part in the narrative event of the year, which will impact the very lore of Warhammer 40,000 itself. We've also spotted roving reporters from the Regimental Standard in the field, so be sure to look out for their doubtlessly informative broadcasts.