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Outfox Your Opponents With Teleporting Trees Thanks to Vibrant New Sylvaneth Rules

AoSFF Sylvaneth Jun13 Header

After doling out some thorny punishment to a swarm of Skaven swindlers, the Sylvaneth are on the march once again. Battletome: Sylvaneth is coming to pre-order, and it includes a bouquet of new tricks.

SLYWyldwoods May26 TreesIn the wake of Alarielle’s Rite of Life,* the Mortal Realms are all positively overflowing with pockets of life energy – even the Realm of Death, much to Nagash’s chagrin.** So now when the Sylvaneth go to war, they stride to the tune of the Everqueen’s song, causing the very battlefield itself to erupt into thickets of coiling vines. 

The Sylvaneth can focus their choral power on three terrain features on the battlefield, turning the terrain Overgrown, making it function like Awakened Wyldwoods and healing nearby Sylvaneth units at the start of your hero phase.

SLYWyldwoods May26 PlaceOfPower

Awakened Wyldwoods are not just a vital source of life energy – they also enable your terrifying tree-folk to employ befuddling hit-and-run tactics.

Once per turn, at the end of your movement phase, a nearby Awakened Wyldwood or Overgrown terrain feature opens up, and allows a unit of Sylvaneth to Walk the Hidden Paths. This lets you remove them from the table to set up wholly within 9” of another flourishing glade, as long as it’s 9” away from all enemy models. 

SLYWyldwoods May26 WalkPaths

High-value units such as the Spirit of Durthu or Kurnoth Hunters can use the trees to get where they need to be, sniping an unprotected objective or reinforcing another unit. But what happens when your foe has the audacity to strike back?

SLYWyldwoods May26 StrikeFadeExample

Once per turn, after a unit within range of a charmed copse has unleashed the fury of the Everqueen onto any vile transgressors within reach, they can Strike and Fade. This allows a unit to slip straight back into the woods as quickly as they appeared, dodging the counter-attack to reappear elsewhere.

SLYWyldwoods May26 StrikeFade

This is best for fragile units like Tree-Revenants and Spite-Revenants who can hit hard, but who may get turned into tinderwood on the counter.*** 

Strike and Fade makes it even harder for your foe to lock down your key damage dealers, as you prune them with the precision of a master horticulturist.

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These verdant nexuses change their effects with the Seasons of War, providing varying benefits for armies that chose to wage war under the Aspects of Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter. But you’ll need to grab a copy of Battletome: Sylvaneth when it hits pre-order to find out more about that…

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* You can read about the Rite of Life and Alarielle’s exploits in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book

** In fairness, everything winds up the Supreme Lord of the Undead.

*** Amber cannons if you will.

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