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  • Arks of Omen: Farsight Is a Three-Way Bloodbath Between T’au, Orks, and Chaos

Arks of Omen: Farsight Is a Three-Way Bloodbath Between T’au, Orks, and Chaos

In pursuit of one of the Key fragments Abaddon and Vashtorr require for their cunning scheme to undo the Imperium, the Soul Forge King has launched a brazen attack on the Rock. You can read all about what happens in Arks of Omen: Vashtorr – just in time for the next chapter, which takes place on the breakaway fringes of the growing T’au Empire. 

Arks4Lore Mar22 Art

The Emperor’s Tarot has presaged many revelations. Experienced cartomancers may yet divine new information about the future – for the whole series is now available as one portentous supercut.

Arks of Omen: Farsight opens with Commander Farsight, in his sleek new Supernova Battlesuit, battling against Nazdreg’s Ork Waaagh! with his buddies from The Eight in the Damocles Gulf. Despite O’Shovah’s impending victory, visions of a twisted, bloody future plague his dreams.

These visions come to pass. The Daemon Prince Ughalax commands his Balefleet from the Ark of Omen Unhallowed, zeroing in on Arthas Moloch in pursuit of a Key fragment. A tale of carnage unfolds over 30 pages in the next instalment of the Arks of Omen series, as the Farsight Enclaves are forced onto the back foot.

Arks4Lore Mar22 Terrain

This book contains expanded Boarding Action rules for the T’au Empire, every flavour of Aeldari (smooth, spiky, sequined, and solemn), and the Adepta Sororitas. You can also explore the twisted innards of void-craft in Dark Depths missions, where each player includes one of eight map arrangements in their list before placing them together to create new combinations.

Arks4Lore Mar22 Spreads

Arks of Omen: Farsight also contains rules from multiplayer games for three or four players, including free-for-all battles and two-on-two team games, with 12 new missions to fight over. Arks of Omen: Abaddon has all the core rules you’ll need to experience this glut of expanded content.

Arks4Lore Mar22 Farsightbook

You’ll be able to pre-order Arks of Omen: Farsight from Saturday, plus make sure to join us very soon for all the reveals from AdeptiCon.

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