The Blood Angels are known for a great many virtues – heroism, ferocity and loyalty – but none of them exemplify sheer bloody-minded tenacity quite like Aster Crohne, the Shroudmaker. Crohne has survived more gruelling battles than almost any other warrior of the IX Legion, and now he sets out to anchor your battle lines with a stunning Forge World resin miniature.

As an officer attached to the Blood Angels 94th Company, Crohne has served his legion since before the coming of Sanguinius and hails from the killing fields of the planet Saiph. The notoriously aggressive tribes that regularly ravage the world are ripe pickings for recruits, and although his Primarch now laments their inclusion in his enlightened Legion, Crohne continues to serve faithfully in the role of a Judiciar.
He is well known for his exceptional resilience in battle, most notably during the horrifying campaign on Signus when daemons led by Ka’bandha laid waste to the Great Angel’s forces. While his fellow officers fell into the grip of a Warp-fuelled rage, Crohne stood firm and led what forces he could muster to glory.

Since then, he has been tasked with rebuilding his shattered company – and the IX Legion at large – with the aid of thousands of Inductii. His immense experience and level-headed nature make him a powerful stabilising influence on the new recruits, whose bestial urges can be more evenly directed when led by the Shroudmaker.

The Reforged 94th
While a Warlord with this Trait is within 6" of one or more models with both the Inductii Unit Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule, all models in the unit those models are part of gain the following additional effects:
All models in an effected unit may make Sweeping Advances.
When an effected unit makes a successful Charge in the Assault Phase, all models in that unit gain +1 Attack for the remainder of that Assault Phase in addition to any other bonuses, even if that Charge is considered a Disordered Charge.
In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
That is not to say he can’t cut loose when he needs to, and many Traitors have met their end on the edge of his Saiphan Shard-axe. Even those who think they’ve brought down Aster Crohne find their glory dashed as he returns to the fight for one last push, earning him the epithet The Ghost of Saiph.

Saiphan Shard-axe
Range: -
Str: +1
AP: 3
Type: Melee, Rending (5+), Duellist’s Edge (1)
The Ghost of Saiph
Aster Crohne has stood on the brink of death and destruction many times and emerged from his ordeal unscathed. Now, with new responsibility, he is more determined than ever to not fail his Legion.
The first time Aster Crohne loses his last wound, or is otherwise removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On a 4+ he is placed in Reserves with a single Wound remaining instead of being removed or destroyed. If he enters Reserves on or after Game Turn 4, then he may enter play automatically at the start of the controlling player’s following turn.
This expert kit will be available to pre-order later this year, and rules can be found in the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: The Martian Civil War supplement.