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  • See Into the Future and Poison Your Enemies with New Escher Hangers-on

See Into the Future and Poison Your Enemies with New Escher Hangers-on

Whether you’re out in the ash wastes or fighting for your life in the underhive, a few Hangers-on can really give your gang an edge – from Sloppers and Scabbers selling you junk food (and junk) to Rogue Docs and Look-outs keeping watch for your fighters, these motley minions bring a range of different skills to your Necromunda games. 

Now a pair of Escher-specific Hangers-on are coming to provide an advantage to the House of Blades. Escher’s Shivvers can see into the future – or so they claim – and many a Gang Queen will visit one of these underhive oracles, hoping for a glimpse of what is to come.

25 07 NECRO Escher Shivver

Paying heed to a Shivver’s precognitive talents can save a gang from tragedy or lead them to great riches. Of course, the future isn’t always clear, and a Shivver can sometimes give misleading predictions. That tall, moody stranger about to crash into your life could always be a rampaging Ogryn.

Escher Shivver details

Joining the new Shivver miniature is the Apprentice Clan Chymist. House Escher knows that the best way to learn all about poisons and toxins is through trial-and-error,* so they put their aspiring alchemists on the front lines with the gangs to pick up some practical experience.

Apprentice Clan Chymist

Not only can an Apprentice Clan Chymist help to brew up new concoctions for your gang to use in battle, but if your Gang Queen or one of your Gang Matriarchs is slain, there’s a chance you can bring them back as a Death-maiden! It’s what they would have wanted.

Apprentice Clan Chymist details

The new Shivver and Apprentice Clan Chymist will be available to pre-order soon from Forge World. Sign up for the Forge World newsletter to learn exactly when they’ll be available, and grab the House of Blades book for their Necromunda rules.

* Disclaimer: Our in-house medical expert informs us that this is categorically not true.

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