The year 2025 is starting strongly for Warhammer with one of the most jam-packed Sunday Previews in months. There are substantial treats for two game systems: the Old World and the Horus Heresy. Take a look!
Remember, these will all be available to pre-order from next Saturday, with a pre-order period lasting two weeks. Let’s not waste words on long intros – ready the horses, the Empire of Man has arrived (alongside a cohort of characters from numerous other factions)!

There are five new miniatures for the Empire.
General Hans von Löwenhacke

A mercenary by circumstance rather than choice, General von Löwenhacke is one of the most trusted generals in the fragmented Empire, a man who fights to unite as much as anything else. Decked out in fine moustachios and ornate full plate armour, he cuts an imposing figure on the battlefield. He is made of Forge World resin.
Harald Gemunsen, Grand Master of the Knights Panther

As Grand Master of one of the largest Knightly Orders in the Empire, Harald Gemunsen is above the petty politics of squabbling electors. His duty is an altogether more noble one: to protect the soul of the Empire and her people from the gravest threats. He is made of Forge World resin.
The Wizards three

Three human wizards are arriving: a Battle Wizard, an Elementalist and a Necromancer, each accompanied by a jolly, discipline-appropriate familiar. These aren’t the Collegiate Wizards of the Era of Karl Franz – they’re self-taught talents who can cast a variety of useful and deadly spells on behalf of whichever patron is paying them. They are all made of Forge World resin, and each Wizard is sold separately with their familiar.
Alongside these, there are nine classic kits returning in plastic. These are:
Captain of the Empire, and Engineer with Hochland Longrifle

These two heroes are the last word in Imperial martial skill: a mighty Captain twisting a massive flamberge with consummate skill mid-duel, and a crafty Engineer poised with his Hochland Longrifle, making the final adjustments to aim before taking out an enemy Champion. The Captain has two head options, while the Engineer may instead peer through a new-fangled telescopic contraption. Both miniatures come with moulded 20mm bases which you can trim and set on the 25mm square base included in the blister pack.
Empire of Man State Troops, Greatswords and Flagellants
Three flavours of infantry abound for the Empire of Man: regular, skilful and crazed. The first are a block of 30 redoubtable State Troops, professional soldiers equally capable with halberds, spears or the old sword’n’board – for extra hitting power, the ability to fight in two ranks or additional armour, respectively. The kit contains enough parts to make up to three command groups and comes with a 290-piece transfer sheet. The Greatswords, meanwhile, are a cut above, fighting with lethal two-handed swords and full plate armour. The set contains 20 troops with enough kit to build two full command groups, plus 290 transfers. Finally, what the Flagellants lack in armour or skill at arms, they more than make up for with the Frenzy special rule and brutal two-handed flails. As well as 290 transfers, you get 30 Flagellants and enough parts to build up to three Standard Bearers and three hot-headed Prophets of Doom.
Empire of Man State Missile Troops and Archers
Ranged support comes in two flavours for the Empire: State Missile Troops and Archers. The former is a box of 30 drilled professional soldiers who can be armed with crossbows or handguns, for extra range or armour penetration. There are enough parts in the box to build three full command groups, and the Sergeants can be equipped with Hochland Longrifles and powder monkeys. Archers are scouts and skirmishers – 20 skilled bowmen who can move up the field and pepper the advancing foe, redeploying with a nimbleness the State Troops lack. The Archers have enough parts to build two unit champions, while the State Troops also receive a 290-piece transfer sheet.
Empire of Man Helstorm Rocket Battery and Steam Tank

Bring out the big guns with the Steam Tank and Helstorm Rocket Battery. Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching engines of war, powered by a pressurised boiler that siphons steam through pipes and pistons. The weapons are also steam-powered, delivering bone-crushing S8 cannon hits, and woe betide any foe that comes into contact with the tank at top speed. The kit comes with numerous cosmetic options – especially for the Engineer poking his head imperiously from the hatch.

The Helstorm Rocket Battery may also be built as a Helblaster Volley Gun, both devastating heavy artillery pieces designed to ruin an oncoming enemy attack with weight of fire. The former can bombard the field with blast markers, while the latter can put out up to 30 shots a volley – though admittedly not without a high chance of exploding… Can’t decide? This box comes with two to build how you please, as well as six crewmen and some optional battlefield accessories.
Numerous heroes from several eras of Warhammer are meanwhile returning in metal (mounted on plastic horses).
The Grand Masters three

The Knightly Orders are everywhere throughout the Empire – dozens of noble organisations sworn to defend the Empire, its various gods, or regions within it. The Knights Panther, Knights of the Blazing Sun, and Knights of the White Wolf are three of the greatest of these organisations, with numerous chapters led by masters eager to intercede against the forces of Evil. These three Grand Masters return from the dim, distant depths of the early 90s to reassume command. Each is sold separately and comes with a plastic horse.
Warrior Priests of Sigmar and Priests of Ulric
Three sets are here to attend to the spiritual needs of an Empire army: an individual Warrior Priest of Sigmar, a pack of three more, and a pack of two Priests of Ulric. They’re all bald, but where the Sigmarites prefer to show it all off, the Ulricans opt for some mighty beards and truly incredible battlefield headgear – and one of them even gets a mount.
Witch Hunter

Even as the Empire endures harsh years of civil war, it is besieged by evil threats from within and without. Thus, Witch Hunters roam the land in the service of all the great churches and temples, intent upon casting out evil. Zealous templars of Sigmar hunt mutants, heretics and witches, while fanatical priests of Morr seek out Necromancers and Vampires. And they all look dashing while they’re at it.
Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer

Away from the vicissitudes of the Empire, the Kingdom of Bretonnia is much more united, thanks in no small part to the efforts of chivalrous heroes such as Sir Cecil Gastonne. The Wyrm Slayer earned his sobriquet in the most literal of ways – killing Norndrak the Tyrant and earning renown across the realm. He now spoils for a fight with Khemri, and can even earn the Terror special rule once he’s killed a monstrous unit in combat. He is made of Forge World resin.
Burlok Damminson

Burlok Damminson was an old dwarf in the era of Karl Franz, but we see him here as a young and impetuous inventor who’s really getting on the nerves of the Engineers’ Guild… He’s armed with several proprietary experimental weapons, and substantially improves nearby ranged units by his very presence. He is made of Forge World resin.
Frydaal the Chainmaker

There’s a new Chaos Champion in town, and she’s really making the most of the civil war in the Empire. Frydaal the Chainmaker is a raider on the Path to Glory, spreading the glories of the Dark Gods as she raids the northern coast and establishes barbaric settlements in the ruins of Imperial cities. She is made of Forge World resin.
Galrauch the Great Drake

Galrauch was the first of the great dragons to fall to the power of Chaos, and he’s now a twisted shadow of his former self, a two-headed nightmare wielding consummate arcane power and monstrous physical prowess. A little of the noble drake is still inside, battling the corruption of Tzeentch, and sometimes even wresting back control for a moment. This is a classic miniature returning in its original metal form.

Boreas-pattern Deredeo Dreadnought and weapons packs

The Deredeo is the largest and toughest Dreadnought in the arsenal of the Legiones Astartes. A beast of war, it fields the heaviest weaponry to reap a heavy toll. We’ve already seen the Anvilus pattern, which mounts Aiolos missile launchers and Anvilus autocannon batteries or Hellfire plasma cannonades. Now the Boreas pattern marches out, decked out in Boreas air defence missiles, with a choice of volkite Falconets or Arachnus heavy lascannon batteries.

You can also order the weapons for each Deredeo pattern individually with two weapon sets, allowing you to augment your Boreas with Anvilus armaments and vice versa.
Arvus Lighter

The most aerodynamic aircraft in the Imperial arsenal arrives in plastic at long last. The iconic Arvus Lighter can carry up to 12 troops, delivering them via Deep Strike to anywhere on the battlefield and providing covering fire from an optional crew-operated multilaser (the rules for which will appear in a free PDF at release). This kit has been lovingly designed from the ground upwards, the perfect transport for your favourite Solar Auxilia squad. It also comes with a 149-piece Division Aeronautica transfer sheet.*
Malcador Infernus

The Malcador Infernus is a Solar Auxilia flamethrower tank with a fuel trailer towed behind it. The massive gout of flames launched from its inferno gun will clear out infantry, light armour and minefields alike, even those protected by the heaviest cover. This plastic kit has numerous choices for sponson and pintle weapons, as well as other optional upgrades, and comes with a 180-piece Solar Auxilia vehicle transfer sheet.*
Valdor Tank Hunter

Got a Malcador problem? Time to call in the Valdor, a heavy tank destroyer named for the legendary Emperor’s guard, Constantin Valdor, and deployed in small numbers by the Solar Auxilia. This particular model mounts a devastating neutron laser which will burst even the heaviest tanks like a soap bubble. This plastic kit comes with numerous pintle and sponson weapon options, and an array of other upgrades, plus a 180-piece Solar Auxilia vehicle transfer sheet.*

Blood Bowl classics Made to Order
There’s a treat for Blood Bowl fans of the finest vintage beginning next Saturday, when four positively ancient metal teams return to sale for a limited time on a Made to Order basis. Almost unfathomably old, there are four sets of metal miniatures available for Humans (five Throwers and Catchers, and five Blockers and Linemen), Halflings (one set of six), and Chaos Dwarfs (one set of six).
These will all be available on a Made to Order basis from 10am local time on Saturday the 18th of January until 8am GMT on Monday the 27th of January. These products may take up to 180 days to arrive.

Red Tithe (special edition)

On the prison world of Zartak, darkness has fallen on arbitrators and inmates alike. The Night Lords have come, and with them the shadow of fear and pain. But they are not the only ones with an interest in Zartak. From the void, running on silent, another fleet emerges. Its warriors are grey-clad and white-faced, and their eyes are as black as the Outer Dark – the savage Carcharodon Astra. As these two packs of ancient, merciless predators stalk the shadows of the prison colony, both seeking a single young inmate with unnatural talents, the corridors run red, and both factions will have to fight tooth and claw to leave Zartak alive. The special edition of Red Tithe by Robbie MacNiven is numbered and signed by the author, and includes a fantastic embossed cover, a ribbon bookmark, and the short story The Reaping Time. It is available while stocks last.
Grombrindal: Ancestor’s Burden (hardback, eBook, MP3)

When the ancient sky-city of Barak-Thryng comes under attack by the Gloomspite Gitz on their quest to reach the Bad Moon, it is an opportunity for the city’s defenders to prove their mettle. But there are darker, more dangerous forces pulling the strings behind this attack, for the Weaver of Fates has set his gaze upon the city.
It is into this powder keg that the legendary White Dwarf appears, followed by the Oathbreakers, desperate for his help in lifting an ancient curse: the Ancestor’s Burden.
Grombrindal: Ancestor’s Burden by Chris Thursten collects six short stories previously published in White Dwarf magazine and adds a new short novel – The Maker’s Promise. It will be available as a hardback, an eBook, and an MP3.
The Dark Coil: Damnation (paperback, eBook)

In the strangest corners of the galaxy, disparate factions, cults and empires make war and confront deadly truths in a constant fight for survival… but nothing amongst these stars occurs in a vacuum. Look closer, and see that space and time are malleable concepts, and the touch of the Warp is upon the most unexpected places.
Peter Feheravi’s Dark Coil tales spin an intricate web across the grim darkness of the far future, and they are now collected in a paperback and eBook omnibus, including seven short stories and two novels.

On Warhammer TV this week, we’ve got an in-depth interview with the Warhammer Studio on how the rules were written for the new edition of Age of Sigmar on How We Roll, while Loremasters covers the Martian Schism and Scrap Demon takes a turn for the grotesque as the team is challenged to kitbash some undead abominations.

And on Warhammer Community, we’ve got a new Warhammer Underworlds warband and Rivals deck, an Apocrypha Necromunda and the small matter of the first major Warhammer preview of the year… Yep, we’re going to be live from the Las Vegas Open, broadcasting a huge reveal show, alongside coverage from the top tables at the main tournament. The schedule is below:

* These products have been delayed in Japan.