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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – A Chat with the Reigning World Champion

The latest Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battlescroll is in full effect as we head into a new competitive season, with a massive tournament on the horizon at AdeptiCon. We’ve seen the latest data on win rates, and we recently got the chance to speak to the 2023 winner of the World Championships of Warhammer, Nicolas Tassone.

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Warhammer Community: How has the competitive scene changed since your victory?

Nicolas Tassone: There have been a lot of changes since I won the World Championships of Warhammer in November! The official releases of Cities of Sigmar and Flesh-eater Courts are big news, and we saw the impact of the former at the Las Vegas Open with two very different Cities of Sigmar lists on the podium.

When Cities of Sigmar launched, the Alchemite Warforger was an exceptionally powerful and cost-effective unit that synergised really well with popular units like Freeguild Fusiliers. After two updates, he’s now a little less potent, which should see lists change. I think Steam Tank lists remain strong, but I’d keep my eyes out on Freeguild Cavaliers! They’re not as straightforward to play as other things but can do a lot of work in the right hands.

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It’s a bit early to be sure with Flesh-eater Courts, but I think you will see at least one to two Abhorrant Archregents in competitive lists. I would also expect high-performing lists will use the Morgaunt subfaction alongside the Defenders of the Realm Courts of Delusion buff, which seems very strong in theory. We’ll just have to see!

WarCom: What impact do you think the most recent Battlescroll will have on top-performing factions at tournaments?

Nicolas: The Battlescroll is here, and it was worth the wait! There are so many changes, and it will shake up the meta substantially. Blades of Khorne and Sons of Behemat are clear winners in my eyes, and I think we will see those come in with a lot with 4-1 / 5-0 results.

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You’d think the change to Null Myriad and points increases for certain units would be bad news for the Ossiarch Bonereapers, but I think they are quite strong. The factions this archetype was strong into, like the Starborne subfaction of Seraphon, also took a hit. I think this shift will force players to try other subfactions like Mortis Praetorians and Crematorians, which I believe are really strong.

Gloomspite Gitz, Seraphon, Big Waaagh!, and Soulblight Gravelords are all really solid factions that took a few hits, but I would not be surprised to see them continue to perform well. The adjustment to Seraphon has had a knock-on effect across the meta, and the Disciples of Tzeentch will surely be happy to regain some sorcerous supremacy.

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Right now, there are a lot of factions in play at tournaments that I would call ‘Player Factions’. I think these can do well with a dedicated player in command despite the direction the meta is leaning in. In that category, I would put Idoneth Deepkin, Skaven, Lumineth Realm-Lords, Slaves to Darkness, and Daughters of Khaine. These are not bad factions by any means, but to hit the top tables consistently, they probably require a player who knows the faction inside out in order to perform at a high level.

I don’t expect the rest of the factions to change drastically with the Battlescroll – the 2” range change should impact Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt, giving these factions more play into top lists, but victories will be hard-fought. Ultimately, I agree with the data. The power level has never been closer between factions, and it makes events both unpredictable and exciting!

WarCom: What factions do you think will put in a strong showing at AdeptiCon, and do you think we'll see any surprise results from outliers?

Nicolas: It’s hard to predict winners, but I’m sure you’ll see some Blades of Khorne and probably at least one Sons of Behemat list in the top 10. You might also see Steam Tank-heavy Cities of Sigmar lists, Mortis Praetorian Ossiarch Bonereapers, Starborne Seraphon, or even Morgaunt Flesh-eater Courts.

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I have also seen some good results at tournaments for Lumineth Realm-lords using the Rune of Senthoi (an artefact of power for Scinari Heroes that improves unbinding and dispelling rolls) and many Vanari Bladelords units. I’m not a fan of this list myself, but I can see it reaching the top 10. I could also see Daughters of Khaine giving a surprising result as people return to that faction with the release of Krethusa the Croneseer. Even with Morai-Heg in ascension, Morathi-Khaine might still prevail!

WarCom: If you're not going, what sort of army would you take to AdeptiCon? Nicolas: Unfortunately, I cannot attend AdeptiCon this year, but I’d probably take a revised Lumineth Realm-lords list if I were to go. They are my primary faction, and I’m so comfortable with them that I can always find a way to win a game with them! Currently, I’m playing without the Archmage Teclis in a heavy-hero list featuring The Light of Eltharion, Avalenor, the Stoneheart King, Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind, and the twins Ellania and Ellathor, the Eclipsian Warsages supported by multiple units of Vanari Bladelords.

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The goal of this list is the same as most of my lists. It’s designed to handle most of the meta at the minute while being fun to play and not linear in its decision-making. Every game feels different and forces you to think about what you will do next!  The good thing is that it also forces the opponent to think differently, which I can use to my advantage most of the time – running contrary to the expected list can really give you the edge because people don’t know the answers to your list.

The hardest matchups are the Starborne Seraphon and Cities of Sigmar using lots of Steam Tanks. The former can dish out so many mortal wounds and I have quite a low wound count army overall. The latter can snipe important heroes and pivotal pieces, and I can’t easily shoot at them because of the Return Fire order! I’d expect Blades of Khorne and Sons of Behemat to be challenging, but I like to think I could deal with those. While Lumineth Realm-lords are my favourite, I’m also testing some Archaon the Everchosen builds right now, as I think he can be really good in the current meta.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us, Nicolas! Check back in with Warhammer Community next week, when we’ll be able to share all the latest reveals from AdeptiCon...

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