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Skilful Painters From the Community Show their Support for the Skaven Supremacy

Skaventide is available for pre-order right now, and it’s packed full of rats! There are 50 incredible new Skaven miniatures in this launch box, and dozens of talented people in the wider Warhammer community have been hard at work painting their preview copies. We’ve seen the Stormcast Eternals, and now it’s time for us to take a look at the ratmen.

First up, here’s Maxime’s mammoth effort – all 50 Skaven miniatures from Skaventide in an effective scheme elevated by some searing blasts of warpstone-tinged glow. That’s some serious dedication at work, the Great Horned Rat smiles kindly on you Maxime! 

AoS InflSkaven Jul04 1 Army

Chrissie has painted the vast majority of the box in a lovely muted blue-grey and red, and some gorgeous Spearhead terrain that looks practically luminous.

Next up, three sets of three Grey Seers! This reinvention of a classic Skaven archetype has clearly resonated with a lot of people, as we were overwhelmed with entries of this scheming sorcerer. Rich has wowed us once again, joined by Jon and Rob.

Sam turned his Grey Seer into a miniature diorama demonstrating this Masterclan honcho’s commanding presence, while JP has focused on grimy tones, and Juan creates cool warp lightning effects with subtle object source lighting.

Our final four Grey Seers are by Zack, May, Alison, and Rob who have all produced gorgeous miniatures. 

The Warlock Engineer was also popular with painters, with Darcy and Chris supplying two of our favourite examples adorned with lovely brass and verdigris.


Tres, Chloe, and Rob tried their hands at these Clans Skryre inventors in a variety of different schemes. 

Vincent has refrained from painting a dozen rainbow coloured Skaven like a flea-ridden box of confectionary, producing instead a wonderful Clawlord on Gnaw-beast, while Thibaut has converted his perched on some scaffolding, showing off his desaturated red armour.

Rob and Andrew clearly received divine inspiration from the latest member of the Chaos pantheon, as they’ve both chosen a yellowed scheme which really emphasises the malignant nature of the Skaven.

Why not just paint all three heroes? That’s clearly what Christine thought, and whipped up this trio of starkly lit ratmen.

That delightful deluge of Skaven heroes is not the whole story of Skaventide – there are also 40 Clanrats and more inside. Thor has elevated one of these Clanrats into its own little masterpiece, while Chloe has painted a nascent horde – they’re lovely miniatures that support either approach.

Rat Ogors close out our article, with Zac creating a disturbing brute covered in wiry hair – an inspired take that we’re sure the boffins of the Clans Moulder are observing with great interest. Emma on the other hand has gone for something bold and eye-catching with warpstone-tainted skin, and Rob has given his verminbrute a bulky amber shoulder pad, providing a spot of nauseating colour on this hulking gym rat.

Rounding things off is Alison, who has painted a troop of Rat Ogors with different fur colours, weathered metals and warpstone radiation, and scrubland bases tying all three together into a cohesive unit.

Thank you to everyone who contributed – we got a huge amount of Skaven examples back from the community at large, and we’re sorry if we didn’t feature your miniature. Keep an eye out on the Warhammer X/Twitter and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages for people sharing their own great-mighty Skaven.