Today we’re bringing the family together for Grotmas with two Detachments: the Armoured Warhost for the Asuryani, and the Reaper’s Wager for the Drukhari – who are bringing Harlequins along for the grisly ride. Let’s just hope they can avoid talking about politics over the dinner table!

When unleashed in number, the vehicles of the Aeldari can bring a terrifying volume of firepower to bear with exceptional speed. As supersonic aircraft suppress the enemy with strafing runs, sleek battle‐skimmers sweep low across war‐scarred terrain, hunting down and obliterating their targets with scintillating volleys.
Successive waves of armoured transports follow, their shields and wraithbone hulls turning aside incoming fire as they sweep low to disgorge waves of Aspect Warriors and Guardian soldiers into the fight. As the infantry move to seize their objectives, agile walkers sprint towards the flanks of the overwhelmed foe, their guns spitting vibrant streams of enfilading fire into massed enemies and ensuring none escape the wrath of the Asuryani.
The Skilled Crews of an Armoured Warhost grant the Assault ability to the weapons of Aeldari vehicles, and allow those vehicles to re-roll their Advance rolls. Taken together, players will be able to field incredibly mobile threats in their games. The theme of unparalleled manoeuvrability is carried through into the Enhancements and Stratagems, with Guileful Strategist letting you redeploy up to three vehicles at the start of the game, and Vectored Engines permitting vehicles to shoot in a turn in which they Fell Back.
The Reaper’s Wager, meanwhile, is among the most macabre saedaths, depicting a gruesome tale of murderous bets between merciless killers and mythic executioners – and demonstrating a more wantonly violent aspect of the Harlequins.

It is a well‐known tale that is greatly enjoyed in the depths of the Dark City. When Harlequins and Drukhari go to war as one, Commorrite warriors often perform an accompanying role in its retelling. Bladed Drukhari transports emerge from the Webway alongside coruscating Harlequin skimmers. Kabalite Warriors let rip from firing decks, and Wyches howl and whoop as they leap acrobatically into the fray. As Harlequin troupes begin their gore‐slick recital, they inhabit their roles wholeheartedly, competing furiously with their Drukhari allies to score the greatest tally of luridly violent kills.
The Reaper’s Wager allows Drukhari players to field Harlequins alongside their fallen kin, and the Callous Competition Detachment rule relies on units from both factions to fulfil its potential. After a Drukhari or Harlequin unit destroys an enemy unit, their faction takes the lead in the wager. This spurs on their rivals, granting whoever is currently losing this bet re-rolls of 1 for their Hit and Wound rolls.
The fervour with which the Factions compete comes though in the Enhancements and Stratagems as well, with Webway Walker letting a unit Deep Strike, and re-roll Charge rolls if they are losing, and Fateful Role allowing models to fight on death on a 4+ – or a 3+ if they are behind in the brutal tally.
Drukhari players will find units in their army emulating the figures of legend, competing ever more fiercely with one another to be the eventual victors.
Enjoy these gifts, feast, and carouse this season – but not too much. Look how that went for the Aeldari. Tomorrow the Orks are returning us to the true meaning of Grotmas. Namely: Waaagh!