The new Orruk Warclans battletome is available for pre-order from Saturday. We’ve already seen the new Path to Glory rules inside the book, along with some stunning new models. Now, painting guru Tyler Mengel is sharing a step-by-step guide to get your Kruleboyz ready for battle – demonstrated on a gnarly Gutrippa.
Tyler: I’m a big fan of the new Kruleboyz orruks. They present an interesting new take on greenskins, from the way they armour themselves to their anatomy.
With an army like Orruk Warclans, you’re likely to have a lot of models to paint, so I wanted to find a quick way to paint them.
In the end, I decided to go with a mostly Contrast paint scheme with just a single highlight per colour. The twist was that I was going to prime it with Zandri Dust. I used this on a Hobgrot I painted earlier, and I found that it worked as a great base for the brown leathers. The trick was to see how it would work for green skin.
Luckily, the brownish base gives the skin a suitably swampy look, perfect for the Kruleboyz.
The Skin
Step 1
I started by priming this model with Zandri Dust. Even though I planned on using Contrast paint for him, I figured the Zandri Dust basecoat would work better for all of the brown leathers.

Step 2
The skin was then given two coats of Plaguebearer Flesh Contrast paint. Let the first coat dry entirely before applying the second.

Step 3
This was then highlighted with Ogryn Camo. I used thin lines to pick out the edges of muscles and paid particular attention to the face.

Step 4
To add a bit more life to the skin, I glazed the lower lip and eyelids with Aethermatic Blue, and I used some thinned down Carroburg Crimson for the knuckles, elbows, knees, and toes. I then went back and redefined the highlights on these areas.

The Leathers
Step 1
I started by painting all of the leather cording holding his armour together. These areas got two coats of Aggaros Dunes, allowing time for each layer to dry between them. That’s it, no highlights for these. If you got any green on these from the previous steps, then touch them up with Zandri Dust again.
I painted fairly carefully in the previous step, so I didn’t have to do any touch-ups while working on this model. It probably won’t show if you get a little of the previous Contrast on the edge of a future area – but being as neat and tidy as you can really pays off with Contrast paint.

Step 2
The various other pieces of leather were picked out in one of two colours. For one of the shades of brown, I used a 50/50 mix of Snakebite Leather and Contrast Medium and did two coats. The darker leather is a 50/50 mix of Cygor Brown and Contrast Medium and just one coat.

Step 3
The dark leather areas were then edge-highlighted with Gorthor Brown.

Step 4
Next, the lighter leather was edge-highlighted with Zamesi Desert.

Step 2
This was then highlighted with Baneblade Brown.

Teeth and Stitching
Step 1
The teeth and all of the stitching on the leather was picked out with Ushabti Bone. The teeth then got a quick wash of Agrax Earthshade, followed by a highlight of Screaming Skull. I also used Agrax Earthshade to pick out the mouth, nostrils, and eyes to give them a bit more definition.

The Shield
Step 1
The shield was given a heavy drybrush of Ushabti Bone – this is helpful for pre-shading and also lightens it up for the red.

Step 2
This was then given a coat of Blood Angels Red. I also picked out the eyes at this point, which were painted with White Scar first.

Step 3
Finally, both the shield and eyes were highlighted with Wild Rider Red.

Step 2
These were then shaded with Nuln Oil.

Step 3
I then highlighted these areas with Stormhost Silver.

Step 4
Finally, I added some weathering using thinned down Skrag Brown and unthinned Nihilakh Oxide. I varied where these colours went but focused around seams and bolts. On the shield, I used the Nihilakh Oxide as it stands out better against the red.

With that, your Gutrippa is all done – just base him however you want, and he’s ready for the tabletop. I went with a rather classic brown base with some grass tufts.
While painting this single model, I had to wait for each layer of Contrast to dry. If I painted an entire unit at the same time, however, then by the time I finished the last model, the paint on the first model would probably be dry, letting you complete them all rather quickly.

Thanks, Tyler! If you want to build your horde of Kruleboyz before the new battletome is available to pre-order at the weekend, grab one of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Sets – Extremis, Harbinger, and Warrior. If you fancy trying out a new paint job on a Gutrippa, you can also pick up the Getting Started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar magazine.