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  • New Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors Soar Into Battle on Wings of Azure Flame

New Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors Soar Into Battle on Wings of Azure Flame

Shield walls of Liberators clad in sleek new Thunderstrike armour are ready to defend Sigmar’s realm against a tide of craven clanrats while elite Reclusians stride forth into the fray, their lightning-scorched souls weathered by innumerable Reforgings. The Stormcast Eternals reinforcements aren't stopping there – like a meteor scarring the heavens, a new unit appears.

Like the Liberators before them, Prosecutors are classic Stormcast Eternals that hark back to the dawn of both Warhammer Age of Sigmar and the in-universe Age of Sigmar, and they’ve been reimagined in a slick new style for the new edition. Carried aloft on flickering flame-like wings which replace the sunburst design of old, Prosecutors are Sigmar’s vengeful hunters with unique crested helmets,* elegant javelins, and robust circular shields.

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These deadly aerial warriors have always been at the forefront of Sigmar’s wars, but their duties have become increasingly dangerous as time has passed. The Cursed Skies that Be’lakor conjured across the realms have the nasty ability to trap the souls of Stormcast Eternals, torturing them in a roiling mass of malevolent energy and preventing them from returning to Azyr for Reforging, and the high-flying Prosecutors are uniquely positioned to suffer this fate more often than their foot-slogging comrades.

While some Stormcast Eternals can be rescued from this doom, their Reforgings are often more traumatic. The majority of the Prosecutors have been reassigned to the Ruiniaton Chamber after numerous compromised Reforgings, where their new Thunderstrike armour helps them punch through the blackened skies of death.

One benefit of this cycle of death and resurrection is that the souls of the Ruination Chamber are so hardened that even the Ruinous Powers can struggle to find purchase, and some of the most destructive energies in the Mortal Realms often have no effect on them.

While some units are able to naturally resist magical attacks, the Ruination Chamber ability can negate nearly any type of targeted enemy ability other than Attacks – though Ruination Chamber units' armour is often up to that task anyway. While powerful, the 'Once Per Turn (Army)' timing means that only one friendly unit can use this ability per turn, encouraging you to run mixed lists.

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Thanks to the power of the Six Smiths, Prosecutors don’t need to carry cumbersome weapons into battle – instead, they can conjure crackling Stormcall Javelins from the aether itself and bombard their foes from on high. These Heralds of Righteousness follow up by hurtling into combat with the speed of a lightning bolt, rolling an extra dice on the charge.

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There are still plenty of new miniatures for the Skaven and Stormcast Eternals, and next week, we’ll be showing off another reimagined unit developed by the Clans Skryre. 

* In fact, these guys can be built with classic closed helms or with a new-style open face.