The Stormcast Eternals are among the greatest warriors in all the Mortal Realms. Champions and heroes who die in battle against the enemies of Order are plucked at the moment of death and Reforged into immortal demigods of war upon the Anvil of Apotheosis.
From the loyal Cities of Sigmar to the mercurial Daughters of Khaine, no army of Order would turn down aid from these paragons of virtue, and with new Regiments of Renown in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals, Order armies can hire their own complement of lighting-souled soldiers.

Dragons are practically designed for war – scales, claws, jaws, and flaming breath – and the loyal Draconith are longstanding allies of Sigmar through Dracothian, the Celestial Drake.
The aerial Stormdrake Guard are the stuff of legend, and the Knight-Draconis Adlus Valnir and his bodyguard Ortana are infamous for their exploits. They often lend their particular brand of fiery vengeance to a wide range of allies. Plunging from on high in a manoeuvre known as the Hour of Retribution, Valnir’s Stormwing can add 1 to their Wound rolls and Save rolls once per battle.

Once Per Battle (Army), Your Hero Phase
Aldus Valnir and Ortana dive down from the clouds into the midst of the reeling foe, using the shock of their sudden assault to inflict maximum damage.
Effect: For the rest of the turn:
• Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by units in this Regiment of Renown.
• Add 1 to save rolls for units in this Regiment of Renown.
The second regiment is the Horizon Seekers led by the veteran Lord-Aquilor Tyran Veld, expert scouts who put their intimate knowledge of the eight realms to good use.
Three Vanguard-Palladors and five Vanguard-Hunters follow in the slipstream of their Lord-Aquilor with a Hunters’ Cohesion when Tyran chooses to Ride the Winds Aetheric, redeploying elsewhere in the blink of an eye.

The Horizon Seekers have long roamed the wilderness together, operating in well-honed unison to run circles around the foe.
Effect: Each time this Regiment of Renown's Lord-Aquilor uses its 'Ride the Winds Aetheric' ability, you can pick all units in this Regiment of Renown that are not in combat to be the targets.
In addition, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this Regiment of Renown's Lord-Aquilor and Vanguard-Palladors units that target a Hunted enemy unit.

Your Movement Phase
Gryph-chargers can move faster than the eye canfollow along the winds aetheric.
Declare: If this unit is not in combat, you can pick up to 2 friendly Vanguard-Palladors units that are not in combat to be the targets.
Effect: Remove this unit and the targets (if any) from the battlefield. Set this unit up again on the battlefield more than 9" from all enemy units. Then, set up each target wholly within 12" of this unit and more than 9" from all enemy units.
They work together to mark foes for death, and relentlessly harry them with boltstorm pistols and starstrike javelins.
You can add either of these Regiments of Renown to any Order army besides Stormcast Eternals. Who in their right mind could say no to a pair of Draconith circling above a phalanx ofLumineth Realm-Lords, or a unit of Vanguard Palladors dashing through the forests as Kurnoth Hunters take aim? Certainly not us. Battletome: Stormcast Eternals is available to pre-order on Saturday.