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Who Wears It Better? Imperial and Chaos Knights Get Upgraded Weapons

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Knight Houses have always been competitive – and traitor and loyalist Households have a particular enmity, so with both Codex: Imperial Knights and Codex: Chaos Knights just over the horizon, they’re itching to do battle with an extensive arsenal of upgraded weapons. In what we can only assume is a bid to coax new Noble pilots to their side, both factions are here to show off their most improved wargear.

It’s time for a runway walk-off of titanic proportions.

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Plasma: For That Glowing Look

In a classic fashion faux pas, the Knights 




 have both come wearing the same weapon. The venerable plasma decimator (or 


plasma decimator for team Chaos) has always been a favourite for melting swathes of elite enemies, and it's received a serious upgrade on all fronts – Strength, Armour Penetration, and even Damage.*

Will these brave Knights be content to use the safer, low power option, or will they reach for even higher Strength and Damage as they ignite the catwalk with its even riskier supercharged mode?

plasma decimator upgrades

Chainswords: Fashion Made Flexible

Kicking your opponents to death is so last season,** and Knights of all classes have instead begun to swing their reaper chainswords and thunderstrike gauntlets in wide arcs. Given that these chainswords are the size of trees – and a mite more dangerous than even the most well-heeled giant foot – Knights appropriately attired for close-quarters combat earn a solid power boost. What’s more, the reaper chainsword comes with two fresh new looks – for sweeping away hordes of enemy infantry, or striking down a single large target.

Reaper Chainsword upgrades

Lasers: Claim the Spotlight (of Death)

In an attempt to win over undecided Nobles with fancy ancient technology, the Chaos Knights debut the Desecrator’s updated laser destructor. The Idolators have been hard at work to make this long-range firearm much more reliable than before – and while consistency may not be especially Chaotic, redirecting power from its explosive blast allows the destructor to punch through armour more effectively, dealing eye-watering damage with every shot.

Laser Destructor upgrades

The Imperials’ fabled Knight Preceptors*** strike back in the contest for the laser crown, with snazzy enhancements to the classic las-impulsor. Both firing modes explode back onto the scene with the Blast rule – all the better for evaporating swarming masses of vile aliens – as well as more reliable Damage for placing your shots appropriately.

Blast keeps the Knight Preceptor from firing at enemies that get too close – at least, under normal circumstances – so the high intensity version also gains an extra 6” range to help keep your foes distant.

Las-Impulsor upgrades

Who do you think had the best performance? Cheer for your favourites over at the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, and stay tuned to Warhammer Community as we delve further into Codex: Imperial Knights and Codex: Chaos Knights in the run-up to their dual release.

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Want to know right away when the new codexes are ready to pre-order, along with the awesome Chaos Knights Army Set? Sign up to the Warhammer Community newsletter today and get your alerts delivered direct like a true Noble VIP.

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* Fashion fans may note similarities to the work of legendary designer Belisarius Cawl – rumour has it that Cawl's Wrath is receiving its own refit for the new codex.

** Besides, it’s pretty tricky to source proper courtly footwear at size 6,174.

*** Including Canis Rex, famously donned by fashion icon Sir Hekhtur.

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