We’ve learned the lore behind the latest Warhammer Underworlds warband, now it’s time to find out how the Starblood Stalkers are going to make the living mountain self-destruct and save the Mortal Realms. Fortunately, they’ve got a few tricks up their lizardy sleeves as we’ll see from their new cards.
We learned in the recent Katophrane Chronicle that the Starblood Stalkers are an objective-based warband that can flex into control or, if things aren’t going to plan, use Klaq-Trok the Saurus Oldblood to hit things. Let’s take a closer look at the individual fighters in the warband.
Kixi-Taka, the Diviner

The leader of the warband can put out reliable damage at range with their starbolt and unique action. That spot damage can really add up quickly.

The muscle of the warband, Klaq-Trok can put some serious hurt on anyone who threatens their skink friends. Don’t forget, just like Rippa’s Snarlfangs, Klaq-Trok’s reaction attack can be made against a different target to their main attack. Even better, it can be made after ANY activation.

The Chameleon Skink is incredibly sneaky, with a good Defence characteristic and a dartpipe attack that can immobilise even the largest of targets, such as the ogor from Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers.
Tok, Xepic, and Huachi

Individually, three skinks might not be scary for your opponents, but teaming them up and making use of them all being Hunters will quickly stop these fighters from being underestimated. Their Skittish reaction also rewards clever play and planning ahead – just as you’d expect from the chosen warriors of the Old Ones.
Written in the Stars
The Starblood Stalkers have a new type of ploy – Asterism. These work in the same way as the Cycle ploys of the Wurmspat in that they persist until another Asterism card is played or until the end of the round.
Play The Great Drake in one of your first activations and take advantage of it for the rest of the round. This combines well with the Heralds of Annihilation objective card – use that extra dice to take out an enemy leader and be greatly rewarded.
Of course, that could leave one of your fighters facing retribution from the rest of the opposing warband. Spend some of your hard-earned glory giving them the Unfeeling Resilience upgrade to protect them from the inevitable.
If that’s got you preparing your own Great Plan for the Starblood Stalkers, take a look at all of the cards that come with this new Direchasm warband.*
The Starblood Stalkers are available to pre-order from Saturday. Look deep into your horoscope and join us over on the Warhammer Underworlds Facebook page to share your predictions on how this new warband will fare.
* Don’t forget you can learn more about the setting of this season of Warhammer Underworlds in the Black Library anthology Direchasm.