Over on Warhammer+ this week, Battle Report brings you an unusual – and unusually brutal – bout of Warhammer 40,000: Boarding Actions. Not two but three players duke it out in the ruined corridors of a gigantic space hulk. We caught up with Shas’O Nick, Champion of the Farsight Enclaves, to find out more…
Warhammer Community: Are we seeing this right? There’re three people in this photo!
Nick: Yep! You see, Arks of Omen: Farsight includes awesome rules for playing multiplayer games of Boarding Actions, where up to four players can get in on the action with specially-written missions. Naturally, we wanted to try the first-ever three-way game on Battle Report!
WarCom: And looks like you have a very special guest?
Nick: That’s right! We’ve persuaded Wade – one-time Loremasters presenter and current Chief Loremaster for Warhammer 40,000 – to return for one last mission. He couldn’t wait to get to grips with Ben and me as we unleashed bloody death.
WarCom: So, tell us about the game? How did you guys set it up?
Nick: Wade loves all things brutal and violent in Warhammer. He’s a huge World Eaters fan – we’ve actually used his army on Battle Report before, when they fought the Grey Knights – and he also loves his Flesh Tearers. With such a bloodthirsty guest, we wanted to make sure we had a mission to match. Fortunately Arks of Omen: Farsight includes a multiplayer mission called Blood Vendetta, in which the players are trying to just kill as many foes as possible.
We asked Wade to bring his Flesh Tearers, while Ben borrowed his World Eaters, led by Khârn the Betrayer, and I used Commander Farsight of the T’au Empire, whose forces are famed for their bloodthirsty aggressive nature. So the stage was set… three of Warhammer 40,000’s most brutal armies locked together in close confines to smash each other apart.

[gallery link="file" columns="1" size="full" ids="464651"] | [gallery link="file" columns="1" size="full" ids="464660"] |
WarCom: Okay, that sounds epic! How did it go?
Nick: Exactly as you would expect! The Flesh Tearers and World Eaters ran headlong at each other while the T’au held back briefly…before getting stuck in too. No spoilers, obviously, but we had a great time and there are some incredible moments, including big characters fighting it out. All three of us had to make big decisions as the game went on, and it was such fun.

WarCom: Commander Farsight in a Boarding Actions game? He must have been devastating…
Nick: Farsight is a monster for sure. His high-intensity plasma rifle disintegrates Space Marines with ease, and he’s incredible in combat with the Dawn Blade – especially in Boarding Actions, where he’s one of the bigger boys around. You’re going to get to see one of the most famous commanders of the T’au Empire do his thing – shooting, combat, tactical genius, the works. He was a real game-changer, and that new miniature is just so cool to play with.
Thanks Nick! Battle Report is released on Warhammer+ today, while the Gathering Storm Companion 2017 hits the Warhammer Vault.
Both Arks of Omen: Farsight and the T’au Empire Boarding Patrol (which includes Commander Farsight) are available for pre-order this Saturday.