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Download Index: Emperor’s Children and Unleash a Catastrophic Cacophony

Put away the flensing knives, switch off the screens and speakers lining your sensory overload chamber, and turn your attention to the here and now. With Codex: Chaos Space Marines available for pre-order, the Heretic Astartes are massing their forces and preparing to venture forth and slaughter their foes.

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For reasons beyond our ken, it appears that the Emperor’s Children have chosen to keep their toys to themselves, and so if you want to field your gaudiest, most lurid, and eye-popping Legionaries, you’ll need to download Index: Emperor’s Children, which gives you the army rules you need to run them.

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The index also contains updated datasheets for Lucius the Eternal – your de facto and supremely egotistical Warlord whose Armour of Shrieking Souls makes him a real pain to finish off for good. 

Lucius, as your commander, makes any Noise Marines Battleline units. These cacophonous combatants are armed with ear-splitting Blastmaster weapons whose discordant salvos have a horrible effect on enemy morale.

That’s everything for now. If we find out that the Prince of Excess has any particularly ostentatious celebrations planned for the 41st Millennium, we’ll let you know right here on Warhammer Community. 

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