It’s a big week for fans of the Astra Militarum as 2025 kicks off with an awesome army set filled with new Death Korps of Krieg miniatures – including the Lord Marshal himself. Then, the heroes of Rohan ready their shields for battle amidst a massive release of new and returning Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game kits, including a few more stars of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim™ movie.

Death Korps of Krieg Army Set

The soldiers and citizens of Krieg know only the brutal and unrelenting reality of war, devoting themselves wholly to an endless battle of attrition with unwavering stoicism. You can get a taste of their indefatigable attitude with the Death Korp of Krieg Army set, which contains 18 new plastic Death Korps miniatures. Lord Marshal Dreir and his loyal Krieg steed have won innumerable victories. They’re ready once again to lead a charge of 10 Death Riders, supported by the heavy ordnance of an Artillery Team and a unit of Krieg Combat Engineers with a remote mine.
This set is also the first place you’ll be able to get Codex: Astra Militarum, a 168-page book featuring unique art for this release, and extensive background information and rules for bringing the hammer of the Emperor down in games of Warhammer 40,000. On top of that, there is a set of 68 cards which comprise your primary army rule, Combat Patrol datasheets, and 64 datasheets. You also get a Death Korps of Krieg transfer sheet with 803 decals.
Battlefield Trophies

Is it really a Warhammer battlefield if it isn’t scattered with the shattered remains of your enemies, and a pile of flesh-stripped skulls? We don’t think so, which is why the new Battlefield Trophies set is a banger – containing 288 components from broken servo-skulls, to sundered helmets from a dozen different factions, and all sorts of bits to litter your bases. There’s even half of a dead Space Marine for your fiercest champions, though whether you paint it as a Lieutenant is up to you.

Haleth™ & Háma™, Princes of Rohan™

The two princes of Rohan may differ in attitude – one a born soldier, the other a soulful poet – but when war comes to their kingdom they are both equally prepared to take up arms to defend their homeland from traitors and Dunlendings alike. Haleth & Háma, Princes of Rohan come as a pair in this plastic kit, which contains both mounted and unmounted variants of each and come with a choice of bare heads or helmets.*
Héra™, The Bride of Death

Héra‘s tale is a tragic one, but she does not falter in the face of adversity, instead mustering all of her courage in a final moment of tenacity that will go down in history. Héra, The Bride of Death is made of Forge World Resin, and comes with a choice of standard shield, or broken-in shield.*
Wulf™, High Lord of the Hill Tribes & General Targg™

After the death of his father, Wulf swore revenge upon the King of Rohan and his people. Over his many years of banishment, Wulf amassed a loyal army of Hill Tribesmen and won the support of the ruthless General Targg, whose pride of his Denlending heritage runs deep. Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes & General Targg come as a pair in the plastic kit, which contains mounted and unmounted versions.*
Shank & Wrot, Orc Scavengers

Orcs in the service of Mordor were known to scavenge the White Mountains in search of food, loot, and – at the behest of the Dark Lord Sauron – a small golden ring. Shank and Wrot are two such Orcs, who chance upon the Hornburg during its siege and use the growing pile of Hill Tribesmen corpses in the Deeping-coomb to their advantage as they pilfer it for riches. If anyone tries to interfere with their looting, Shank can howl to summon a hulking Snow Troll who deters them with his savage might.*
Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Miniatures
Along with the arrival of the new kits from The War of the Rohirrim™, there’s a wide assortment of classic Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game miniatures returning to the range.
Heroes of Men and Elves meet their foes in battle with Bard the Bowman, Galadriel and Celeborn, Haldir, and Thranduil all back in action – while the Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet and Iron Hills Ballista add some serious firepower. Lastly, three sets of Commanders from Lórien, Minas Tirith, and Rohan give you more options for leading your warriors.*
On the other side of the field, Gorbag and Shagrat, a Cave Troll, the Goblin King and his Retinue, and the trio of Trolls from The Hobbit™ add some monstrous muscle to Evil armies – strength only outdone by the terrifying Watcher in the Water and its whipping tentacles. They are joined by a Gundabad Orc Warband, Uruk-Hai Demolition Team, Isengard Assault Ballista, and Mordor War Catapult, overseen by Morannon Orc and Mordor Orc Commanders.*
Returning Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Terrain

Finally, three sets of Rohan terrain are the perfect way to build a tabletop suitable for the battles of The War of the Rohirrim™. The Rohan House and Watchtower & Palisades sets add characterful defences to scatter around your board, while the Rohan Stronghold collects six houses and two watchtower sets for the ultimate thematic battlefield.*

Leontus: Lord Solar

The genius Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar has a chance to put deed to his legend when a battle against the Orks goes disastrously wrong from the offset, and the Lord Solar finds himself pitched into an active warzone aboard a saviour pod. Attacks from a roving Speed Waaagh! and a population enslaved to produce effigies of the Orks’ brutal gods don’t dampen his spirit, however. Leontus doesn’t just want to survive this war – he plans to win it.
Leontus: Lord Solar by Rob Young will be available in hardback, eBook, and MP3 audiobook editions.
Soldiers of the Imperium

The impending release of the Death Korps of Krieg and a new Codex: Astra Militarum make for the perfect time to read all about the exploits of the Imperium’s legendary human warriors. This new omnibus by authors Steve Lyons, Edoardo Albert, and Steven B Fischer includes the novels Death World, Kasrkin, and Witchbringer, as well as four short stories that take you into the ranks of the Catachan Jungle Fighters, through the drop zones of the fabled Kasrkin, and onto the battlefields of a psychically active war world.
Renegades: Lord of Excess

Rich McCormick’s modern classic about the trials of an Emperor’s Children warlord hoping to take his warband from petty raids to glorious invasions comes to paperback for the first time. Renegades: Lord of Excess is a gleeful insight into the horrors of Fulgrim’s legion, and a must-read for all those with eyes on their own warband.
Requiem Infernal

A secluded convent of the Adepta Sororitas have their silent vigil disturbed in Requiem Infernal when survivors from an elite Astra Militarum regiment seek shelter on their sanctuary world, guided by one of the Order’s own former members. With their mission to decipher their founder’s tortured visions disrupted by the newcomers, even more insidious threats approach from beyond, and the darkest shadows may yet be found inside their own souls.
The Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook

The essential companion to the everyday Guardsman’s daily routine is back with a new release appropriately coloured for service in the Death Korps, including all of the benedictions, regulations, and punishments you need to know for life on the front. Have you ever wondered what the punishment for not owning a copy of the Uplifting Primer is? Find out inside – we promise you’ll be glad you got one when you see what it is.
French and German Releases

French readers can relive the perils of the Second Dorean Crusade when a contingent of Black Templars are blown off course by a warp storm and besieged in Broken Crusade by Steven B Fischer, and the Death Korps of Kreig’s latest war to relieve a mining world overrun by Necrons in Dead Men Walking by Steve Lyons. Meanwhile, the Horus Heresy grinds on in the German-language release of Omnibus XVI, and the mysterious Exorcists chapter of Space Marines hunt down a daemon-possessed fugitive from their own number in Oaths of Damnation by Robbie MacNiven.

This week on Warhammer+, the intrepid adventurers brave the sinister hallways of a Blackstone Fortress in search of an Ambull’s lair on Questing Nights. We then sit down with Deep Strike for a retrospective on the first season of Blacktalon – including its past and future impact on the lore of the Stormcast Eternals, and how Neave herself portends the future of Sigmar’s champions.

Meanwhile, Painting Desk is joined by brush wizard Natalie for a look at her extensive collection, and in particular, the glorious Yndrasta featured in White Dwarf 500.
Here at Warhammer Community, we’re gearing up for the launch of the Death Korps of Krieg Army Set with a glimpse inside the new codex, a look at the planet’s rad-bombed past, and more.
* These products have been delayed in Australia and New Zealand.