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Heresy Thursday – Two New Praetors Make Today a Double Death Guard Debut

Heresy Thursday

We may be several months into the Age of Darkness already, but Heresy Thursday shows no sign of slowing down its rolling calendar of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy reveals.

The Death Guard have an illustrious history of quality leadership,* and although fancy ornamentation isn’t their groove – unless you count spiked helmets – their Praetors stand out through sheer presence and authority. Today we’re graced with not one, but two resin sons of Mortarion from Forge World.

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The XIV Legion epitomise the steady, inexorable advance of time, prioritising stubborn resilience over all else. Powerful suits of Cataphractii armour allow their elite warriors to advance through storms of enemy fire and reap a screaming crop of lives with their crackling blades.

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This heavily-armoured Praetor takes a similar approach, joining his Legion at the forefront with battle-scarred, rivet-studded Terminator armour and a truly enormous axe. In grudging deference to the demands of fashion, he’s donned a tassled hood common to Mortarion’s favoured officers.

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When a touch more mobility is called for, Praetors can opt for an immaculately crafted suit of artificer power armour, in the Mark III ‘Iron’ style. More importantly, this ominous figure carries the iconic weapon of his Legion – a wicked power scythe.

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Form takes a distant second place to function in the Death Guard armoury, and even their top leaders stay relatively restrained. No wonder their rugged armour would go on to endure millennia of Nurgle’s Rot – you can spot visual hallmarks that survived all the way to the present-day plague-hosts, such as an abundance of drooping pipework.

Stay tuned to Warhammer Community for more info on the arrival of these awesome characters, and new reveals from the Age of Darkness. To make sure you’re getting all the info, sign up to our newsletter today and have every detail dropped right into your inbox.

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* They gave us Nathaniel Garro, after all.

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