The spectacular new Kroot miniatures joining the T’au Empire range go up for pre-order tomorrow, and we’ve sent more than a few off on mercenary contracts with members of the Warhammer community. They’ve come back changed Kroot – in a riot of colour no less – so let’s check in and see how they got on.

War Shapers were extremely popular, with plenty of colourful examples coming from Adam, Virginia, and more. Thibaut Rahm even swapped his Shaper’s arm to have the weapon point forward, rather than raising it over his head.
Kroot Carnivores are the bulk of any self-respecting kinband, and we got loads of them back from all across the community. Warhammer TV’s expert chat-wrangler Knotley showed up with a full spectrum of miniatures displaying an assortment of colours and tones, while Eric painted on intricate tiger stripe and killer whale* details for a more grounded, realistic look.

The colour palette continues to widen with some particularly bright Krootox, particularly the eye-catching red quills on Darcy’s Kroot and the radiant purple skin on Alison’s. Pete went even further by converting his Krootox into a stand-in for a Broadside Battlesuit, mounting the twin heavy rail rifle on its back and connecting it to a power pack with all kinds of wires and leather straps.
Flesh Shapers are responsible for directing their hunting pack’s nutrition and evolution – as a result, they must surely be directly responsible for the array of colourful hides on display here.

Kroot Hounds are back, loyally loping alongside their handlers, and since their biology is so close to their Carnivore companions, it makes perfect sense for them to match. Chrissie instead went for a vibrant green to contrast against the pale skin of her Shapers, and even added an adorable juvenile Kroot Hound to the base.

Lone-spears – and particularly their Kalamandra mounts – captured the painters’ imaginations, with some like Matthew and Paulie matching the hues of beast and rider while others, like Max and Alison, chose to highlight the difference between the two with separate colour palettes. We’re not sure if Jennie wanted to display the chameleonic shifting of the creature, or just couldn’t decide on a single colour to use for her Lone-spear’s Kalamandra – but the result is a gorgeous showcase of colour blending techniques.

Jennie and Chrissie round it out with a pair of hangers-on that had no companions – a Krootox Rampager and Trail Shaper respectively. These show more subtle approaches to these forest-dwelling hunters, though the Rampager and its rider have clearly begun to adapt to their snowy climate with white quills.

You’ll be able to start building your own Kroot pack this weekend when all of the new miniatures go up for pre-order on Saturday, alongside Codex: Tau Empire and a sleek new Combat Patrol packed with pulse-fire power.