Legions Imperialis – The Great Slaughter is the first expansion book for Legions Imperialis. It covers the Battle for Beta-Garmon, and the seismic clash that went on to be known as Titandeath.
It’s a bit of a sore spot for most Princeps – but a great slice of Horus Heresy history if you love the idea of smouldering god-engines – so to take the sting out of it all, we’re taking a look at some of the heraldry of the Collegia Titanicus.
The dazzling blue and gold heraldry of the Legio Astorum was a common sight through the ash and smoke of battle on Beta-Garmon, often supported by Titans from the Legios Solaria, Atarus, and Defensor.

As in many conflicts during the Horus Heresy, the venerable House Vyronii provided a full complement of Knights to the defence. You’ll recognise them from the box art for Knights in the Horus Heresy.

Legio Mortis, otherwise known by the charming moniker the Death’s Heads, was the primary Legio on the side of the Warmaster, charged with taking Beta-Garmon and clearing the path to Terra.

They were joined by a contingent of other Legios, including the cunning and adaptable Legio Vulpa, the savage Legio Fureans, and Legio Krytos, whose “God Breakers” sobriquet was a symbol of their brutal efficiency.

Hardly a fair fight, even before you consider the addition of the renegade Knight Households Devine, Ærthegn, and Malinax, who added a splash of heretical colour to the proceedings.

Beyond the wartorn confines of Beta-Garmon, many other Titan legions took part in the galaxy-spanning conflict between those loyal to the Warmaster Horus and those who stood by the Emperor. In all, there are dozens to choose from, and the varied liveries and heraldry present ample opportunities for you to pursue when painting your Titans.
Whatever your favourite Legio, the Titandeath rules in The Great Slaughter make it easier than ever to fill your table with forces of Titans and Knights, so get ready to pre-order your copy tomorrow.