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  • This Gorgeous Force of Fallen Dark Angels is Enough to Make us Forswear our Vows

This Gorgeous Force of Fallen Dark Angels is Enough to Make us Forswear our Vows

The Fallen are the most shameful secret of the Dark Angels. These renegade Space Marines turned on their own at the height of the Horus Heresy, destroying Caliban in the process and fleeing through space and time. Even now, ten thousand years later, they hide and plot as the true sons of the Lion endeavour to root them out and force a repentance.

Our resident Interrogator-Chaplain has caught wind of an entire force of Fallen hiding out at the Warhammer store in Leeds, led by the manager Steve. He’s the seneschal of a small but growing band of highly aesthetic rebels – and this is his final confession.

40k Fallen Feb21 Squad

Steve: I have always loved the background of the Fallen, with the climactic divide of the Legion on Caliban during the Great Crusade. I believe that Cypher wants to work his way back into the Inner Circle of the Dark Angels and regain the honour of the Fallen.

40k Fallen Feb21 SquadDeets

I am a fan of the darkness of the colour scheme, and the Black Templar range provided a great foundation to build a knightly theme running throughout a Space Marine army, which lends itself to how I wanted to convert my Fallen.

Converting these models was fun. I checked out kits on the webstore to see what would work well using the Black Templar Crusader Squad, and which symbols would need removing and replacing with Dark Angels parts and markings. I wanted to give them a nearly-Chaos look, with chains and the flaming braziers from the Salamanders Primaris Upgrades.

In addition to those kits, the squad uses the Dark Angels Primaris Upgrades, as well as parts taken from the old Dark Angels Veterans.* The main challenge on some of these conversions was how to cleanly remove the Dark Angels parts I needed to add to the new base models.

The Fallen Interrogator-Chaplain uses the body and left arm of the Judiciar, plus the head, backpack, and crozius from the old Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain. The Lieutenant is based on Master Lazarus, but uses the head of the Phobos Librarian and arms from the Dark Angels Primaris Upgrades.

I’ve started work on a squad of Fallen Bladeguard Veterans, who use shoulder pads and shields from the old Deathwing Terminators, along with Veteran heads.

40k Fallen Feb21 Bladeguard

I was really pleased with how all the conversions came out, but I am especially proud of the Chaplain. I will soon be adding a unit of the new Inner Circle Companions, and a Land Raider to deliver them into battle. I am also working on a converted Cypher…

40k Fallen Feb21 Cypher

Thanks Steve – it’s straight to the cells of the Rock for you. The new Dark Angels go up for pre-order this weekend. Don’t let them catch you consorting with tall, mysterious gentlemen in dark armour.

* These fellows aren’t in the new Codex Supplement, but they’re currently still available to avid kitbashers.

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