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Unleash the Psychic Might of the Delaque and Bless Your Corpse Grinder Cults With Free Necromunda Rules

NecApoc2 Sept20 HeaderLast month, we kicked off the new Apocrypha Necromunda series with free rules for a psychic Ogryn! This time around, we continue with more psychic chicanery as we head deep into Sump City with new rules and a characterful scenario that’s steeped in lore.

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Here’s Owen Barnes from the Necromunda team to talk about this month's free download.

Owen: In this, the second instalment of the Apocrypha Necromunda, we explore the gathering shadows of the Great Darkness and the battles that foreshadow the events of The Aranthian Succession: Cinderak Burning. This month, we delve into the dark goings-on below Sump City (reputedly the lowest settlement in the underhive of Hive Primus). In the hidden warrens under this outland settlement, the Delaque come under attack from a savage Corpse Grinder Cult, the cultists’ diseased minds driven even further into madness by the opening of the Great Rift.

Along with the brand new Star Chamber Attack scenario, you’ll find extra psychic powers for the dreaded Delaque Spykers, making them even more deadly on the battlefield. Meanwhile, we present rules for daemonic possession – allowing players to have their Corpse Grinder cultists inhabited by the servants of the Lord of Skin and Sinew himself!

Thanks, Owen! Download Sump City Sinking now.

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Let us know how you get on with the new Delaque psychic powers over on the Necromunda Facebook page and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest gossip from the underhive.

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