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  • Bad Moon, Evil Sun – The duelling deities of the Gloomspite Gitz

Bad Moon, Evil Sun – The duelling deities of the Gloomspite Gitz

Every Gloomspite Git is linked by a frenetic love of the Bad Moon, the divine lunar menace that hurtles erratically around the Aetheric Void between the realms. Wherever it goes, it bathes the Mortal Realms in a lurid light under which fungus sprouts, grots cavort, and squigs bounce. 

Every object of worship needs a nemesis, and the Bad Moon is no exception – it contends with the blistering light of the Glareface Frazzlegit. But just what is this effulgent solar entity, and how do the grots of the realms deal with the energy it puts out?

The Bad Moon is a malevolent celestial body which defies categorisation by the greatest of grot-kind – and even learned Azyrite astrologers are baffled by its origins and intent. One thing is certain: where it goes, madness follows. The Gloomspite Gitz follow the Bad Moon across the Mortal Realms, committing acts of wanton cruelty and destruction in an attempt to draw their god’s glowering gaze towards them.

It is said that it rewards those able to amuse it with maddening power, and those in particular favour may even enter the clammy utopia known as the Everdank – such an honour is one of many reasons why the Moonclans are so often at each other’s throats. 

And yet despite this power, the Bad Moon is not unopposed. It is beset by the Glareface Frazzlegit – the light of Hysh personified as an Evil Sun. Grots everywhere prefer the dark, and they all recoil from the radiance that illuminates the realms – all, that is, except for those Gitmobs which originate in Hysh, who have developed an unusual relationship with the light of the outdoors.

As grots, these Gitmobs still enjoy a good old revel under the light of the Bad Moon. They treat the Glareface Frazzlegit not as an equal to the Bad Moon, but as the ultimate celestial bully – a belligerent being that continuously harangues their precious moon, chasing it from the sky. Pusillanimous as they are, the Gitmobs feel a sort of grudging respect towards it – after all, what grot doesn’t love to torment and oppress? 

These Gitmobs hurtle around the realms in pursuit of the Glareface Frazzlegit, smashing settlements and armies that stand in their way, emulating its aggression.* Frazzlegit Shamans have even weaponised its fearsome glare, enhancing Gitmob weapons with Hysh’s light to turn against their foes in explosions of blinding light and heat.

This love of magical metal sends the Gitmobs into frequent battle with the Lumineth Realm-lords, whose sunmetal weapons are perfect for their needs. The resplendent Stormcast Eternals are reviled as foes because their armour is returned to Azyr with them on death, cheating the grots of their hard-won prize.

These light-enhanced weapons serve a dual purpose: as their wielders believe that they might even be able to extract enough of Hysh’s power for long enough to eventually extinguish it completely, leaving the Bad Moon to rule the skies without competition – not even the Realm of Life is safe from the impending Everdank…

The Gitmob Army Set is available to pre-order tomorrow, and on top of all the new miniatures, it includes a special edition of Battletome: Gloompsite Gitz covering all flavours of grot, from sun chasers to spider riders, as well as their squig and troggoth allies.

* As we all learned in this exhaustive primer on the Mortal Realms, the light and dark of Hysh wax and wane throughout the Mortal Realms to create night and day, so you’d need to ask a Gitmob grot exactly how this works – if you can catch up with one that is.

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