Eyes on the skies – Tyranids are blocking out suns across the galaxy as they converge on the best dining spots. They’re not here for take-out either – it’s a sit-in all-they-can-eat buffet until every last bit of biomass is gone. Matthew Baker has joined the feeding frenzy with his scorching magma-based army.

Matthew: Tyranids, especially their big monsters, have always been a great love of mine, and these ravenous xenos were my first step into the world of Warhammer 40,000. Through the years since, my colour scheme has constantly changed and evolved, much like the Tyranids themselves.

The more I saw the amazing schemes people had created, the more inspired I was to really push myself and go for something unique.
I’ve always loved how the lore depicts Tyranids as a constantly evolving threat with no end, and I wanted to show that evolution at its best, with the Tyranids truly becoming one with a volcanic environment.

The scheme started with a base of Wraithbone, with layers built up using a combination of drybrushing and glazes, in a similar way to painting fire. The hottest part is the lightest, at the heart of the blaze. I started with yellows and oranges, went to hints of red, and finally layered Rhinox Hide on the most raised sections.*
To accentuate this incandescent effect, I painted the carapaces a charred colour, starting with Abaddon Black, and highlighted with Eshin Grey and Dawnston. Finally, Celestra Grey feathered on the edges.

The greatest challenge arose while trying to paint the tongues, especially on the Haruspex. As it is one of my army’s centrepiece models, I really wanted its mouth to stand out against the darker colour palette. After several tests, I decided to go with a light yellow, a colour that accentuates the heat and makes it clear that the mouths are at the centre of their blazing forms.

One of my favourite units to paint for the army were my Screamer-Killer Carnifexes. They were the main reason I was originally drawn into the army, and no matter what list I write I can never leave home without them.

With the new Codex: Tyranids now available, I have lots of Tyranid monsters ready and waiting to be repainted to add to the stampede. I’m currently working on a Carnifex force, led by Old One Eye himself – there’s something about an army of Carnifexes that I simply can’t resist!
Thanks so much for sharing those with us, Matthew! Have you been inspired to paint your own eye-popping Tyranids? Make a start with Combat Patrol: Tyranids, and find out just why a teeming throng of Termagants is the ideal way to kick off a hive fleet.
* For expert instruction on how to paint fire and magma, check out the Citadel Colour Masterclass Avatar of Khaine tutorial on Warhammer+.