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  • Jordell Freshbreeze – The Nimblest Living Blood Bowl Player Limbers Up and Leaps Onto the Gridiron

Jordell Freshbreeze – The Nimblest Living Blood Bowl Player Limbers Up and Leaps Onto the Gridiron

Bob: Jim! Did you feel that just now? It felt like a gust of wind…

Jim: Listen Bob, the pies at the stand today… I think they might be off. I’m sorry, you know how my stomach gets–

Bob: Can it Jim! That’s Jordell Freshbreeze on the pitch! Let’s get his autograph!

Elegant, tenacious, and acrobatic – but enough about the Blood Bowl Gnome Team, it’s time to talk about one of the greatest Star Players to have ever graced the gridiron, Jordell Freshbreeze.*

This Elven legend runs rings around his opponents, dancing through defensive lines with ease and snatching the ball away before most players even realise they’re throwing empty air.

BB Freshbreeze Mar18 Mini

His prowess often has a violent effect on games, with matches devolving (further) into roving skirmishes as frustrated players forsake touchdowns to lay their hands on the pompous elf – though few have ever managed to so much as disturb a single hair on this Wood Elf Wardancer’s immaculate mohawk.

BB Freshbreeze Mar18 Art

Movement 8, alongside Agility 1+** lets him outmanoeuvre even the swiftest Gutter Runner. He adds Block, Dodge, Sidestep, Leap, and a winning smile to provide the complete linebreaking package.

Even if an enemy team has him locked down in a Gordian Knot of overlapping tackle zones Swift as the Breeze ensures that once per game he can choose to pass a single Dodge, Leap, or Rush test on a 2+, which is why he’s retained the Blink and You Missed It award for 318 years running!

BB Freshbreeze Mar18 Rule

An inspiration to Wardancers everywhere, Jordell can be hired by High Elf, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, and Elven Union Teams for the bargain basement price of 250,000 gold pieces – an absolute steal for a Star Player with a rap sheet of eye-watering stats.  

Feeling starstruck? You’ll be able to hire Jordell Freshbreeze for signing, photo opportunities, and more later in the year when he is made available as an expert kit made from Forge World resin.

* A title that Jeremiah Kool would dispute.

** A roll of 1 (or less!) still fails in Blood Bowl, but this stat offsets negative modifiers from Tackle Zones and so on.