Jim: Which teams do you prefer to watch, Bob, Black Orcs or Imperial Nobility?
Bob: That’s not even a question, Jim. Black Orcs put the BLOOD into Blood Bowl, so you’re always guaranteed plenty of violence when they take to the pitch.
Jim: True, but surely even you have to appreciate the skill and deft passing plays regularly showcased by the Nobility?
Bob: Nope. We Ogres are simple creatures, Jim.
Jim: Evidently… Anyway, it’s time we headed down to Alyssa, our pitchside reporter, who’s fresh from a press briefing about the new issue of Spike! Journal.
Alyssa: We’ve got quite the issue of Spike! Journal coming up, that’s for sure, as it’s focusing on not just one team, but two – the Imperial Nobility and Black Orcs. Up-and-coming coaches will want to get their hands on a copy, as it includes a detailed analysis of ingenious plays for both teams (which they can pass off as their own, of course).
What’s more, Cabalvision has been granted exclusive access to the magazine’s contents so that we can share some key details with our viewers.
First up, check out the journal’s cover, which stars none other than Hall of Famers Griff Oberwald and Varag Ghoul-Chewer.

When posing so that an artist could take their likeness for the cover art, the many grudges the two players share from their clashes on the pitch proved to be too much to bear, and they were soon duking it out. We know what usually happens when a Human and a Black Orc fight, but we’re contractually obliged not to reveal who won that particular brawl. Let’s just say that they’re both sporting fewer teeth than before.

Griff Oberwald has, of course, been playing regularly alongside the Imperial Nobility team, the Bögenhafen Barons. They’ve benefitted greatly from the reliable presence of the man also known as the Consummate Professional.

Meanwhile, the mighty Varag Ghoul-Chewer has been leading the charge of the Thunder Valley Greenskins, a Black Orc team that’s been making brutally violent waves this season.

The careers of both of these legendary Star Players, and the rise of their current teams, are showcased in great detail in issue 12, as you can see in this glimpse of the contents.
In addition to the magazine’s regular columns, you can look forward to reading Star Player spotlights, team profiles, playbooks, and more for both the Imperial Nobility and Black Orc teams. If you want to discover all about these two recent additions to the Blood Bowl circuit and learn how to master some of their best plays, don’t miss out on these essential player breakdowns and team tactics guides.

The fans will surely go wild for this one! Back to you guys in the commentary box.

Bob: Wow, Jim! Looks like we’re getting two for the price of one.
Jim: That’s right, Bob, and there’ll be plenty of pictures for you to gawp at too. I know you don’t exactly excel at the reading bit…
Spike! Journal Issue 12 is up for pre-order soon – keep an eye on Warhammer Community for news of the exact release date. If you haven’t already picked up Blood Bowl’s Second Season Edition, be sure to grab a copy today – it includes Imperial Nobility and Black Orc teams, as well as the upcoming issue’s cover stars, Griff Oberwald and Varag Ghoul-Chewer.