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Who’s the Stronger Wizard in Dominion? Sigmar’s Loreseeker and the Kruleboyz’s Bog Shaman Face-off

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We’ve had a look at the troops in Dominion, but some of the best models in the box are undoubtedly the two Wizards. They deserve their time to shine, so today we’re pitting the Knight-Arcanum and the Swampcalla Shaman against each other across a range of categories to see how they stack up. 

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Style Points

Edge Winner: Knight-Arcanum

Both of these models look awesome, but the incredibly creepy, mouthless white mask of the Knight-Arcanum makes them immediately recognisable and intimidating.

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They’ve also got long, flowing sleeves and an unusual tall cowl around the back of their head, so even if you choose the unhelmeted option, their distinctive silhouette still sets them apart from their peers. 

Back Story


Knights-Arcanum belong to the clandestine order of the Valedictor temple. They seek proscribed knowledge that they are forbidden from forgetting, using mnemonic Hyshian gemstones to allow near-perfect recall. Nothing good ever comes for free though, as the wielder is nearly always driven mad. 

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Swampcalla Shamans, on the other hand, earned their moniker not by calling out the names of swamps, or calling out when they’re hanging around in swamps, or even calling out fun facts about swamps to passers-by. Rather, they call the swamps to them, tainting the land with their foul concoctions until the ground becomes squelching muck. 

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Magical Potency

Winner: Swampcalla Shaman

A Knight-Arcanum can harness the power of nearby Thunderstrike units to attack enemies both near and far, inflicting mortal wounds with a bolt of holy lightning. 

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While that’s pretty cool, it’s not quite as powerful as the Swampcalla’s magic, whose warscroll spell grants a boon to every friendly Kruleboyz Orruk unit on the field, while hindering all others. 

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This spell might not seem all that powerful at first glance, but such a wide-ranging effect can make all the difference in a tight game. You’ll find yourself using it all the time. The gnarly Shaman can also brew up a whole host of poisons and elixirs to help their Kruleboy pals in battle – they’re the ultimate team player.

Best Sidekick

Winner by Default: Pot-grot

The Swampcallas are often accompanied by a cranky pot-stirring grunt who carries all their stuff, and even stabs anyone careless enough to get too close. What a lad! 

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The oh-so-mysterious and aloof Knights-Arcanum prefer to work alone, so don’t get a single hanger-on. Even worse is that this means that they don’t have anyone to help mix their potions. Thanks to their little buddy, the Swampcalla Shamans have access to a wide range of deadly Poisons and Elixirs. 

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As anyone who gets hit with those improved Venom-encrusted Weapons will realise, it pays to bring along a sorcerous sidekick.

Battle Prowess

Winner: Knight-Arcanum

It’s no surprise that the Stormcast Eternals have the advantage here, as even the Wizards among Sigmar’s champions are potent warriors. With the same number of Wounds for each of the Wizards in the Dominion box (they both weigh in at six), but a better Save (3+ versus 5+) and 2 extra points of Bravery, a Knight-Arcanum is likely to stick around longer than a Swampcalla Shaman.

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The real kicker, however, is the fact that Knights-Arcanum are anathema to predatory endless spells. They use their arcane knowledge to form a null zone around themselves that’s crucial for protecting their fellow Stormcast Eternals. 

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If you read yesterday’s article, you’ll know that predatory endless spells are even more powerful in the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, so this buff is a big deal. 

As it turns out, each of these Wizards has their own advantages that work well with their respective armies. Both the Knight-Arcanum and Swampcalla Shaman are solid choices, and they’re well-matched against each other. If you get the Dominion launch box, you won’t have to decide which you prefer at all – they’re both included. 

Check back tomorrow to learn more about Dawnbringer Crusades, and get a sneak peek of even more upcoming models. If you want to make sure you never miss an update, sign up for the email newsletter and we’ll send it straight to your inbox. 

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