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Hexbane’s Hunters Bring Fire and Fury to the Warhammer Underworlds

WHUW Nethermaze Apr15 Header

Hexbane’s Hunters are the new warband for Warhammer Underworlds and are available to pre-order right now! But what new tricks do they have up their sleeves when they enter the Nethermaze, and why is their leader, Haskel Hexbane, so angry?

Hexbane's Hunters

The clandestine sect known as the Order of Azyr has dispatched Hexbane’s Hunters into the depths of Ulgu to fight the forces of evil. As you might expect from a gang with such a mission, they’re not here to sit on objective tokens – this is a very aggressive warband.

The Rivals deck that lets you play the warband straight out of the box really leans into this playstyle – attack early and attack often to score Due Process and Burn Them Out.

Due Process and Burn Them Out

Lives are cheap in the Order of Azyr, so even if your aggressive outlook takes some of your own fighters out of action it doesn’t matter. All four human members of the warband are hunters so if they die in the service of scoring objectives, you’ll be rewarded with even more glory.

Lives Well Spent

The four humans also have a special reaction that they can use when a fellow hunter is taken out of action. Haskel himself is well aware of the Price of Victory, and when he gets really angry, he lights his truefire brand.

WHUW HexbanesHunters Aug15 Cards3

But what free upgrade are you going to play? Give Haskel the Bane of Evil card and watch him get more powerful each time your opponent takes out one of his followers.

Bane of Evil

With aggressive warbands, action economy is always the name of the game and any way you can make extra attacks is always a bonus. Well, those sharp stakes aren’t purely decorative – thanks to the Making a Point ploy, you can perform an attack in the power step which is especially useful for taking out enemy fighters with a single wound remaining.

That’s not the only bonus attack action that Hexbane’s Hunters can take, and when we said they had some trick up their sleeves, we weren’t being metaphorical – no one should enter the Nethermaze without a hidden pistol.

Making A Point and Retractable Pistol

Hexbane’s Hunters also come with a selection of universal cards that can be used by any warband when building a deck for Championship format games

While you’re waiting for Hexbane’s Hunters to arrive, check out our step-by-step painting guide to get them ready for your games of Warhammer Underworlds.

You can also use Hexbane’s Hunters in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with their free Warscroll, which will be available to download soon from this very website.

You’ll be able to bring the burning light of Azyr to the Nethermaze shortly – pre-order Hexbane’s Hunters now and get ready to cast out the forces of evil.

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