White-sailed ships crest the horizon as the elves of Ulthuan make their way to the Old World, bringing magical prowess and sleek sophistication to the Empire’s shores. Today’s pre-orders are a banquet of elven delights, joined by a selection of classic Warhammer 40,000 terrain returning for a limited time.

Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms
Show the Old World the wisdom of ages with Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms – a power-packed 48-page softcover tome of supplementary rules, background lore and a scenario that takes your elven expedition to the next level. Included are new profiles for Korhil Lionmane, Ishaya Vess, Chracian Chieftains and numerous specialist units, plus two Armies of Infamy representing the Chracian Warhost and Sea Guard Garrison, and plenty of powerful new magical items.
Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms is available to pre-order now in softback* and digital epub editions.
High Elves Battalion
Start a new army or expand your existing force with the High Elves Battalion, containing a dependable mix of core infantry supported by swift chariots. This box contains 32 Elven Spearmen and 32 Elven Archers, which can each be split into two units of 16 with full command elements, two Tiranoc Chariots which can alternately be built as Lion Chariots of Chrace, and a new High Elves transfer sheet comprising 356 decals.*
High Elf Realms Reference Card Pack
These High Elf Realms Reference Cards are an invaluable resource that keeps all of your magic items, spells, Elven Honours, and more close at hand. Each pack contains 36 cards to be used alongside the army list found in the Forces of Fantasy book.
High Elf Realms Dice Set
Give your gaming accessories a touch of refinement with this pack of 20 High Elf Realms dice, cast in swirled silver plastic. You get 18 regular six-sided dice with the faction logo on the six, one artillery dice, and one scatter dice – all with rich blue pips.*
High Elf Realms Transfer Sheet
Add some detailed insignia to your elven army with the High Elf Realms transfer sheet – a huge A4 sheet of full-colour and metallic transfers with iconography from the Temple of Asur, the regions of Chrace, Lothern, Averlorn, and more, plus 120 individual Elven runes.
Lord of Chrace
The woodland realm of Chrace breeds elves of unusually rough and ready mien, possessed of a fierce hunter’s cunning and strength enough to heft their traditional great axes. Lords of Chrace are accordingly powerful fighters and shrewd generals, well accustomed to the rigours of combat, and this new Forge World resin miniature can be used as either a High Elf Lord with Chracian Hunter honours or the new Chracian Chieftain character from Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.
Ishaya Vess Sentinel of the Silent Isle
The shorelines of the Old World are dotted with garrisons of Lothern Sea Guard who protect Ulthuan’s interests both on land and at sea. Ishaya Vess commands just such a force, armed with the trident Mathlann’s Ire and a steely-eyed determination to protect the Silent Isle. She is made of Forge World resin, and has rules in Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.
High Elf Lord on Dragon
The greatest nobles of Ulthuan can rouse one of the ancient dragons sleeping beneath the mountains of Caledor and ride into battle atop their monstrous companions, engulfing entire regiments in flame before descending to tear warriors apart with sword, spell, and claw. This returning plastic kit can build a High Elf Lord or Archmage mounted on Moon Dragon or Star Dragon, or a Dragon Mage mounted on Sun Dragon.*
Ellyrian Reavers
The sunken land of Ellyrion is still famed for the speed and agility of its light cavalry, who dart around enemy flanks peppering their foes with lethal arrows before thundering in with a charge to break up their wavering lines. This new multi-option plastic kit has been remastered from the miniatures from the classic Island of Blood boxed set, and builds 10 Ellyrian Reavers with a full complement of command options.
Swordmasters of Hoeth
The elite Swordmasters of Hoeth are equal parts warrior and scholar, possessed of supernal skill with their finely balanced blades that can scythe down entire ranks of heavily armoured infantry in a single swing. This plastic kit builds two units of 15 Swordmasters of Hoeth with full command groups.*
White Lions of Chrace
The huntsmen of Chrace have served as bodyguards to the highest lords of Ulthuan ever since a band of woodmen protected Caledor the First in the distant past formations of White Lions armed with giant axes can be found throughout the elven military to this day. This plastic kit builds 20 White Lions of Chrace, or two units of 10 with a full command each.*
Eagle-claw Bolt Throwers
Rather than the crude gunpowder weapons of the younger races, High Elves build expertly engineered Eagle-claw Bolt Throwers as their siege weapon of choice – firing single powerful bolts or rapid-fire spreads to annihilate swathes of foes. This plastic kit builds two, each with two Sea Guard crew.*
Returning Metal Miniatures
Three classic metal miniatures are returning to the shelves, starting with the indomitable White Lion hero Korhil Lionmane – a deadly combatant with brute strength far in excess of his elven peers. The Handmaiden of the Everqueen is their polar opposite, a paragon of grace and agility who spears enemy characters before they can raise a blade against her allies.
The Great Eagles that soar above the mountains of Ulthuan are frequent allies of their terrestrial friends, making this airborne assassin a great choice for hunting down enemy artillery crews and vulnerable mages.
Not all of the High Elves’ creatures reflect the elegance of their masters – especially those dredged up from the depths beyond their shores. Merwyrms are one such monster, ensorcelled by powerful mages before being unleashed upon their enemies with a surprising burst of speed for something unaccustomed to land. This expert kit is made from Forge World resin and has rules in Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.

Warhammer 40,000 Made to Order Terrain
Build your perfect trench line in time for the arrival of the Death Korps of Krieg with four returning terrain sets from the classic Wall of Martyrs. The towering Imperial Bastion, Imperial Bunker, Imperial Defence Emplacement, and the Imperial Defence Line – comprising two dugouts and four barricades – are available now on a Made to Order basis until 8am GMT on Sunday the 23rd of February. As a Made to Order product they can take up to 180 days to ship.
* This product is delayed in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.