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  • Discover a Love for Wildlife With the Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck for Warhammer Underworlds

Discover a Love for Wildlife With the Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck for Warhammer Underworlds

The Gnarlwood is a dangerous and terrible place where everything wants to eat you – the inhabitants, the warbands, and even the trees themselves. But for Warhammer: Underworlds warbands, the Beastbound Assault deck can team you up with creepy crawlies and frenzied omnivores to make someone else the Gnarlwood’s prey.

WHUW BeastboundAssault Feb24 Deck

This new Rivals deck contains no spell gambits, and is useful for any warband no matter what their stance on the application of the arcane arts. Where Fearsome Fortress focused on the Control play style, Beastbound Assault lives up to its name – raw aggression, with tactical flexibility provided by the various Denizens that populate the Gnarlwood.

Blossoming Friendship is a cheap way of giving one of your fighters a Denizen upgrade but stopping to give the required belly rubs naturally requires your fighter’s attention. Not so good with animals? Don’t worry – even the most vicious of beasts cannot resist the allure of the Amberbone Flute. These two cards can combo if you don’t mind racking up the charge tokens.

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Denizens come in all shapes and sizes. The Ever-hungry Fiend is a vicious companion that helps tip the odds in favour of the fighter who shepherds it, while the Inspiring Mascot is a loveable little blob of ooze and teeth which peps up its owner – keeping your swiftest assassins hale and hearty.

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Naturally, your monstrous menagerie isn’t just for show – it’s a surefire way of earning Glory. Stack up three or more Denizens on your leader and you’ll be able to score Keen Collector. As an aggressive deck, you’re rewarded for ganging up on your opponents, and Loyal Allies can turn rolls into success and sweet, sweet glory points.

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Like previous Rivals decks, you can use this deck straight out of the box with almost any warband in this super-accessible format. It doesn’t matter whether you are facing a gang of mushroom-addled grots or a posse of clandestine witch hunters you can still Savage Their Eyes! to weaken them. 

Or why not unleash a whole horde of Vicious Critters to aid your mightiest warriors, letting them score some Grievous Wounds while their opponent is swatting at biting bugs?

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For a deck-building challenge, why not try the Nemesis format? You can mix the Beastbound Assault deck in with your favourite warband’s unique deck, or when you feel like you’re ready to master the game, you can create the ultimate deck in the challenging Championship format.

However you like to play, Beastbound Assault will be available very soon – sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter, and our trained trackers will send an email right to your inbox when this deck of Denizens is available.

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