We’ve only just revealed the Norsca Rampagers, the latest – and drunkest – Blood Bowl team to hit the astrogranite. But the Norscans aren’t just a bunch of mead-swilling hooligans. Sometimes, they even turn up to play – and when they do, it’s usually with the undisputed star of the Northern Leagues, Ivar Eriksson.
Strong, fast, and agile, Eriksson is the complete package. He’s a dashing Blitzer who can Block, Tackle, and Guard, adding crucial punch and muscle to the Norscans’ already mighty front line. And with his infectious grin and flowing blonde locks, he’s perhaps one of the more aesthetically pleasing star players to grace Nuffle’s sacred gridiron.*
On top of all that, Eriksson’s got some serious leadership skills – the Raiding Party special rule allows him to quarterback his team, ignoring tackle zones to shunt key personnel to where they’re most needed. You may even find him giving orders to that adorable Beer Boar, in order to help it deliver its life-giving consignment of booze.
Ivar Eriksson will be released soon from Forge World, as a Star Player for all Old World Classic teams. You’ll find a spotlight on him – along with all his rules, and the rest of the Norse Team – in the next issue of Spike! Journal. There’s more to come from Blood Bowl over the next few weeks, so sign up to the Warhammer Community newsletter to catch all the latest plays as they happen.
* Not that looks are everything – just ask Nurgle’s Rotters. Or the Wolfenburg Crypt-Stealers. Or-