From a battlebox of baroque models to a blasphemous Kill Team, it’s been a busy year for the Traitor Legions – and with War Zone Nachmund: Rift War on the horizon, their work is far from done.
After 10,000 years of fighting the Corpse-Emperor’s minions,* you earn the right to refer to yourself as a veteran. And in this upcoming codex, Chaos Space Marine Legionaries are getting rules to match their reputation. We’ve known for a while that a second Wound has been on the cards – but there’s so much more in store for these veterans of a very long war.

Legionaries are ferocious in close combat, with millennia of bloodshed as the perfect teacher. The new codex brings this viciousness to life by granting three attacks to each heretic – or four for the Aspiring Champion. That’s right, each Legionary fights with three times as much fury as before. The Great Rift definitely lit a fire under their power-armoured boots.
Speaking of fire, Kill Team’s Balefire Acolyte is sticking around as a unit upgrade for your rank-and-file squads – why should the Thousand Sons be the only ones to put apprentice sorcerers to work? With this insidious PSYKER on-side, you’ll be able to Smite your foes and turn basic troops into psychically-empowered killing machines.**
The Balefire Acolyte isn’t the only upgrade making a return from Kill Team – new melee weapon options are coming too. Take the Legionary Butcher’s mighty two-handed chainaxe, which takes a moment out of its busy operative-killing schedule to crack open tough targets in Warhammer 40,000.
With all of these options, you can make your frontline warriors into the versatile combat veterans their reputation demands, and match them perfectly to the flavour of your favourite Legion. Night Lords love to trade their boltguns for chainswords and carve up some loyalists up close and personal, while Word Bearers are the kind to load up on a soul-stealing psychic acolyte for each and every squad.

More information is leaking from the Eye of Terror as we speak, so stay tuned to Warhammer Community as we drip-feed the juiciest reveals in the coming months. Better yet, sign up for the newsletter and have it delivered directly to your brainspace – those beguiling voices promising dark boons really are on your side this time.
* Give or take – timekeeping is tricky in the Eye of Terror.
** What powers will they be using, you ask? Stay tuned…