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  • War’s a Racket in Thondia – Reap the Benefits of Outposts with this New Path to Glory Battlepack

War’s a Racket in Thondia – Reap the Benefits of Outposts with this New Path to Glory Battlepack

Thondia Header

The drums of war beat louder and louder in the Realm of Beasts, as Season of War: Thondia draws ever closer. This savage tome is swarming with detailed lore and maps for the alpha-continent of Thondia, where everything is predator or prey – even magic! The most alarming discovery is the Krondspine Incarnate – a rampaging vortex of living Ghurish energy that devours endless spells and decimates legions.

Season of War: Thondia also contains new rules for all styles of play – including an additional Path to Glory battlepack for your narrative campaigns. By claiming victory in one of six new narrative battleplans,* your army can establish an outpost in the endlessly contested wilds of Thondia. From here, you can press deeper into the primeval wilderness, and start the process of growing a huge new settlement.

The Thondian Strongpoint terrain set is designed precisely to accommodate these aims, and it’s filled with enough set dressing to make you feel the bracing heat of Ghur emanating from your tabletop.

ThondiaOutposts Apr07 Terrain1

As your Path to Glory army earns renown in its attempt to carve up Thondia, your warriors can pick up bestial new veteran abilities – such as Savage Instinct, which imbues a unit with the feral energy they need to strike-first in combat, once per battle. The alpha-continent also offers new hunting grounds dominated by mighty beasts, giving you the chance to capture prime monsters – brutes that would have no qualms gnawing on the bones of a Megadroth.If you chose to undertake the formidable task of setting up a distant outpost in Ghur, you can make a prime monster roll when adding a MONSTER to your order of battle. On a 5+, you’ve tamed a particularly impressive specimen with a special ability – such as the aptly-named Fearsome, which allows the creature to completely ignore its wounds when consulting the damage table, once per battle.

Prime Monster Abilities: Fearsome

From your Thondian outpost, your army can also lay claim to fierce new territories unique to Thondia,each with their own benefits. The Grinding Mountains seek to prey upon the other peaks of Ghur – conquer them, and you’ll be able to mine vast deposits of realmstone… but risk seeing your other upgraded territories reduced to rubble with each seismic scrap.Whether your army is establishing a mighty fortress in Ghur or using a realmgate to scour other lands, true trailblazers have the option to send a unit that wasn’t involved in the most recent battle out on a scouting expedition. By rolling on the Expedition table, your explorers can scour the tumultuous Thondian wilderness for rampaging beasts, forgotten ruins, or new routes through the wastes.

These expeditions aren’t guaranteed to succeed, but you can seize tasty rewards if your warriors prevail – perhaps unlocking a powerful endless spell from a legendary Stormvault.

Thondia Encounters Stormvault

There are a plethora of discoveries only found in the untamed lands of Thondia – even unique quests for binding a Krondspine Incarnate, or tracking down a HERO hailing from Ghur. Yes, you can go on a quest to recruit a custom character of your own design, forged on the divine heat of the Anvil of Apotheosis: Ghur. You can create anything from a leader for your force to recruit early and use throughout the campaign, to an enormous monster to put a final cap on your force. We’ll be covering howthe Anvil works later this week – stay tuned!

The rules in Season of War: Thondia will add some extra bite** to any Path to Glory campaign – you can even follow the Summons of War battlepack to play through the background of the book itself, using new battleplans and battalions as you fight over the Strongpoint terrain and embrace the Era of the Beast!

Thondia Outposts Terrain

Season of War: Thondia and the massive Thondian Strongpoint terrain set will both be available to pre-order this weekend – prepare to carve your way across Thondia as you claim some of its sweet territories on the Path to Glory.

Will you fight to escape your opponent in Close The Jaws, or compete to slay a savage behemoth in The Beast’s Lair?

** Or scratch, or claw, or sting…

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