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  • Warhammer: The Old World – A Noble Bretonnian Paladin Stands Up to a Tomb King

Warhammer: The Old World – A Noble Bretonnian Paladin Stands Up to a Tomb King

We already know that the undead legions of the Tomb Kings of Khemri and the noble knights of Bretonnia are major players at the time of Warhammer: The Old World. We’ve seen some of the existing models given a new lease of life in time for the game, but what of the new models?

The good news is this: they’re coming – and they look amazing.

Our first two new models from Warhammer: The Old World are a Tomb King from Nehekhara and a Bretonnian Paladin. They’re both resin models, and they’re the first of many we’ll see before the game is out. New models for the game will be released in Citadel plastic and Forge World resin, and they’ll join a whole range of resurrected and revitalised miniatures from prior editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles – in plastic, resin, and metal – to make satisfyingly varied armies.

We took a moment to talk to the team behind these fantastic new miniatures.

“I was really happy to find out that I was going to be working on a Tomb King,” explains Agata, who sculpted the Tomb King. “Their story is so tragic and I found it fascinating to learn all about it. They spent all that time preparing for a glorious afterlife but, thanks to a cruel twist of fate, they are forced to suffer their eternal life trapped within shrivelled, mummified bodies. I wanted to capture that tragedy and the anger they must feel about their fate in the miniature, which is why he is posed in such an aggressive stance with such a furious expression on his face.” 

Getting to work on a Bretonnian was so exciting!” adds Alastair, who created the Paladin. “I collected a small Bretonnian force previously for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, so being able to add to a range that I used to play with all those years ago was awesome. I really enjoyed being able to search through older source material for inspiration, there is so much rich design language in the old army books that really inspired the design of this miniature. In my mind, Bretonnian Knights are stoic warriors, and perhaps just a little pompous, so I wanted to make sure that those attitudes came across in the miniature by having him stand heroically over his beheaded opponent – an Orc who I am sure he bested in single combat with little trouble!”

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This is only the start of a flood of new models for Warhammer: The Old World. Keep checking back on this very website for more news on what’s coming. In the meantime, there have been a ton of reveals for other games at Warhammer Fest; you can check them out here.

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