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  • Tornus the Redeemed and the Knight-Azyros are ready to guide Sigmar’s favoured into battle

Tornus the Redeemed and the Knight-Azyros are ready to guide Sigmar’s favoured into battle

The Stormcast Eternals are recruited from all across the Mortal Realms, with origins as diverse as the realms themselves. Even the most foul despots battling for Chaos may find themselves Reforged upon the Anvil of Apotheosis, if a sufficient glimmer of promise shines within them. Tornus the Redeemed is an exemplar of this process, a shining beacon for his fallen kin.

Once a noble warrior from Ghyran named Tornus the Everdawn, he fell to Nurgle during the Realmgate Wars after spending 77 days in the disease-ridden Pit of Filth, and was reborn as the corrupted tyrant Torglug the Despised. His campaigns against the forces of Alarielle and Sigmar were devastating, and it took a bone-shattering blow from Ghal Maraz – wielded by the resplendent Celestant-Prime – to put a final end to his reign of terror. 

The divine energy in Sigmar’s own hammer burned away the corruption, leaving only the shattered remains of the honourable warrior Tornus. After his Reforging he swore to pursue the forces of Chaos with relentless ferocity, becoming a Knight-Venator and dispensing vengeance with a retinue of other redeemed warriors. 

These warriors have since undergone countless Reforgings in the eternal fight against Chaos, their souls winnowed in the cycle of resurrection. 

Now part of the Ruination chamber, he leads his soul-scoured allies as a Knight-Azyros and Herald of Redemption – inspiring them with three additional rally points any time he uses the Rally command.

His lantern is an intricately wrought artefact shining with The Light of Sigmar – which he – and every Knight-Azyros –  uses to blind enemies and soothe the wounds of allies.

The Knights-Azyros are heralds of hope for the Stormcast Eternals, but also a reminder that Sigmar’s gaze is absolute: it is said wherever their lantern light falls, so too does the God-King’s vision. 

With rippling wings of azure flame, they soar into combat alongside units of Prosecutors. As a Light in the Dark, they allow a unit to Retreat without reprisal at the end of any turn, or to make a Normal Move if they are not locked in combat.

As heroes of the Ruination chamber, these seraphic avengers can join Iridan the Witness in their Army of Renown.

You’ll be able to pre-order Tornus the Redeemed – who can be alternatively built as a Knight-Azyros – on Saturday, alongside Battletome: Stormcast Eternals. Tomorrow, we’ll be checking out the lightning-fast Stormstrike Palladors of the Warrior chamber, and the utility offered by the Stormreach Portal.